Mayberry: Y/N is that you?

Y/N: Yeah its me from I.M.P the people you hired to kill that crazy skank. Here let me help you up.

Y/N picks up Mayberry from the floor and dusts her off.

Mayberry: Thanks so how has things been for you? I hope you've been doing well.

Y/N: Things have been smooth there's been a few problems here and there but nothing too serious. What about you Mayberry? How's life been treating you?

Mayberry: Oh I'm fine everything's just dandy I'm living in a nice house and I'm even getting a job as a teacher in a school. Although I gotta admit it's sometimes too quiet living by yourself its gets really lonely I could use some company evrey now and then.

Y/N: What about a relationship?

Mayberry: I prefer to avoid dating.....I think you know why.

Y/N: Oh yeah the whole catch your husband cheating then going berserk and killing him thing? Yeah i see your point.

Mayberry: Well it was great talking to you but I should get home before it get dark.

Y/N: Yeah of course......hey Mayberry would you want me to walk with you back to your house?

Mayberry: What? Oh no Y/N I wouldn't want to slow you down.

Y/N: No its fine I've got nothing else planned and I could give you some company and make sure nothing happens to you.

Mayberry: You that for me?

Y/N: Of course I would you'd be suprised of what type of scum wander the city at night wouldn't want them to get thier hands on you would we? Listen Mayberry your not a bad person you were an amazing person in your past life you were a great teacher and a loving wife its your husbands fault you went mad and ended up down here. Your were just like me lied to cheated and wronged I know how it feels to have your heart broken by the one you love.

Mayberry held her hands over her mouth she wasn't expecting Y/N to have a tragic past that was similar to hers the betrayal the heartbreak she knew it all too well.

Y/N: So how about it? We go to your place and get to know eachother?

Mayberry: W-well i-if you insist.

Y/N gives mayberry a smile and walks with her back to her place chatting as they did. The scene changes to Y/N and mayberry walking down a narrow alleyway as the sky darkened.

Y/N: And then just as she was going to shoot blitzo me and carnage jump out of a bush holding her son's decapitated head and rush towards her while she starts swinging with a machete.

Mayberry: What happened next? Did you kill that crazy bitch?

Y/N: Damn right I did carnage takes his claw and rips her arm off then the bitch jumps towards us and then SNAP! Carnage grabs her by the neck and snaps her neck twisting her head making it face her back and then coughs up blood and drops dead.

Mayberry: That sounded intense I'm glad you killed that whore for what she did she had it coming!

Y/N: Yeah because I mean she didn't just fuck men on a daily basis her entire family was a bunch of cannibals! Seeing that they wanted to sink thier teeth into me and my freinds its only fair that carnage did the same to them.

Mayberry laughed and the two continue to walk down the ally but then they're approached by a fat imp who had a pistol in his pocket.

Y/N: Who the hell is this? Hey pal got a problem?

Abit of carnage and a helluva time. (helluva boss x male carnage reader)Where stories live. Discover now