Shattered Facades

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As the school day wrapped up, BASIL headed home, his mind heavy with the day's occurrences. While he encountered a bit of trouble with the teachers once the situation came to light, it was clear that their choices for dealing with it were somewhat restricted.

Leaving the school grounds, the memories of the day's happenings continued to reverberate in his thoughts. Why didn't they do anything? He basically slandered SUNNY. Whatever, it doesn't matter now. 

Seeing the house up close gave him a brief break, a little comfort amidst the whirlwind in his mind. But that short-lived relief vanished as quickly as it came. When he got to the front door, his heart tightened at what he saw – none other than SUNNY, an obstacle to the sanctuary he was aiming for.

BASIL's irritation flared up as he saw SUNNY standing there, blocking his path to the supposed haven of his home. It felt like a cruel twist of fate that he couldn't even escape his troubles in the one place he should have felt safe.

'What now, SUNNY?' BASIL's voice held a hint of annoyance, his patience worn thin by the events of the day.

SUNNY's usual smirk was present, but there was something off about it. A glint in his eyes that betrayed a mix of emotions beneath the surface. 'Thought we should have a little chat, you know? Clear the air,' he replied, his tone casual yet laced with an edge.

BASIL's guard remained up as he eyed SUNNY warily. 'Clear the air? You mean confront me about what happened back there?' he retorted, his annoyance more pronounced.

SUNNY's smirk wavered for a fraction of a second before he masked it with his usual confidence. 'Yeah, something like that. Don't you think you owe me an explanation for your little show?'

BASIL's jaw tightened, his frustration simmering just beneath the surface. 'Maybe I do, maybe I don't. What's it to you?' he shot back, a hint of defiance in his voice.

SUNNY's smirk faded for another fleeting moment, replaced by a more serious expression that caught BASIL off guard. The glimpse of vulnerability quickly disappeared, but it was enough to make him question what was really going on beneath the surface of SUNNY's usual demeanor.

'What's your game, SUNNY?' BASIL's words held a mix of annoyance and suspicion. He couldn't shake the feeling that SUNNY was enjoying every bit of this situation.

SUNNY's smirk returned with a vengeance, his eyes gleaming with a mischievous glint. 'Game? Come on, BASIL, don't be so serious. I just want to understand your little outburst earlier. Seemed like quite the spectacle.'

BASIL's guard remained up, his expression wary as he regarded SUNNY. He had learned the hard way that there was always more to SUNNY's words than met the eye. 'And why should I explain anything to you? It's none of your business.'

SUNNY's smirk widened, his confidence undeterred by BASIL's guarded response. 'Ah, but isn't it interesting how your business suddenly became everyone's business? You've got the school buzzing.'

BASIL's jaw clenched as he fought to keep his emotions in check. He wasn't about to let SUNNY get the upper hand in this conversation. 'And what do you care? Enjoying the chaos you caused?'

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