Celebratory 1k Chapter!

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-BASIL's 12th Birthday-

It was a crisp February morning, and the air was filled with excitement as the day marked BASIL's birthday. The sun was shining bright, and the sky was a clear blue, promising a wonderful day ahead. The preparations for the birthday party had been underway for days, and everyone was looking forward to celebrating with BASIL.

AUBERY, HERO, and MARI arrived at BASIL's house with gifts in hand. SUNNY and KEL were already there, helping BASIL with the decorations. As soon as the guests entered the room, they were greeted with colorful balloons, streamers, and a large cake that BASIL's mom had baked. 

BASIL's eyes lit up with joy as he saw his friends arrive. 'Welcome, guys! T...Thank you so much for coming,' he exclaimed, giving each of them a warm hug. 

AUBERY handed him a beautifully wrapped box, HERO gave him a book he knew BASIL had been wanting to read, and MARI presented him with a handmade card. SUNNY and KEL had brought party favors and were busy blowing up more balloons.

As the party got started, the room was filled with laughter and chatter. The group played party games, including pin the tail on the donkey, musical chairs, and charades. The delicious snacks that BASIL's mom had prepared disappeared quickly, and everyone was having a great time.

HERO noticed that MARI was still acting a bit strange, particularly around SUNNY and BASIL. He pulled her aside and asked if everything was alright.

 'Yeah, everything's fine,' MARI replied hesitantly.

 HERO sensed that something was still bothering her, but he didn't want to push the issue and spoil the happy mood.

The party carried on and BASIL's friends took turns presenting him with their gifts. BASIL was thrilled with everything he received and couldn't stop thanking his friends. He admired the art supplies from AUBERY and MARI's handmade card. But it was KEL and SUNNY's music box that touched him the most. It was a small box but the details were delicate and handcrafted, and made with care and love. This made BASIL happier than he was before.  

 'Thank you, KEL and SUNNY! This...This is so thoughtful and kind,' he said, giving them both a hug. 'I really appreciate it..!', His eyes full of tears and happiness. 

As the party continued, the group played more games, and the excitement in the room was palpable. HERO led a game of "pinata," and everyone took turns trying to hit it with a stick until it finally burst open, spilling candy and treats all over the floor.

MARI's mood had improved as the party progressed, and she was now fully engaged in the festivities. She and SUNNY teamed up to decorate a corner of the room with more balloons and streamers, making it look like a mini party within the bigger celebration.

Meanwhile, AUBERY and HERO had started a friendly competition to see who could build the tallest tower out of the art supplies AUBERY had gifted BASIL. KEL joined in, and soon the room was filled with the sound of laughter and good-natured teasing.

As the day went on, more guests arrived, and the party became even livelier. KEL's cousins came with their parents, and they all sang "Happy Birthday". BASIL was thrilled with the attention, and he thanked everyone for their love and generosity.

BASIL's mom had also planned a surprise for him. She had arranged for a magician to come to the party and perform a show. Everyone gathered around as the magician pulled off incredible tricks and illusions, leaving the audience in awe.

As the party drew to a close, BASIL's friends and family gathered around him to say their goodbyes. Everyone left with full stomachs, happy memories, and a sense of gratitude for the time they had spent together.

BASIL hugged each of his friends tightly and thanked them for making his birthday unforgettable. He couldn't believe how lucky he was to have such amazing people in his life.

The day ended with BASIL curled up in bed, surrounded by the gifts his friends had given him. He felt a sense of warmth and contentment in his heart as he drifted off to sleep, dreaming of the wonderful memories he had made that day.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this bonus chapter. I'm so happy we came this far! Thank you, everyone, for your encouragement and support. It means a lot to me as a beginner writer that my work is getting acknowledged. Again, thank you ❤.

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