School Time

113 7 10

TW: Mentions of pills, School shootings, slight hallucinations, and bullying.

The bus doors swing open and the students begin to rise from their seats, filing out of the bus one by one, including BASIL. Despite the small town setting, the school itself is quite expansive. Taking a deep breath, BASIL follows the other students into the building. Did he take his anxiety meds today? Oh wait, he must've forgotten to take them. This was going to be a rough day at school. This is fine, he was going to be a bit more nervous, that's all. It shouldn't affect him that much as long as he kept his emotions in check. BASIL takes another deep breath, feeling himself becoming increasingly anxious. 

He walks over to his locker and enters his combination, 07-20-98. He had chosen that combination because he wanted to be as close to SUNNY as possible, even using his birthday. He smiles before getting reminded of the fight they both had. BASIL takes off his backpack and puts it in the locker, he glances at the photos he plastered all over the inside of the locker. Most were of him and SUNNY. He frowns, he shakes his head, and gets his books before quickly closing the locker. 

Upon turning around, BASIL notices KEL passing by. KEL catches his gaze, flashes his usual grin, and gives a little wave before resuming his conversation with the other kids walking alongside him. He didn't notice this before since he was always next to SUNNY but...he didn't have any school friends. He didn't realize how lonely it was with SUNNY gone. BASIL walks to his homeroom class which he shared with SUNNY. It was a bit awkward sitting next to him when they just fought. He sits down and sighs, slightly glancing at SUNNY. SUNNY was staring directly in front of him, he seemed to be thinking about something? BASIL didn't know what but he could only guess that he also didn't want to be in school too. The teacher does an announcement.

'As you may all know, tomorrow is going to be half a day due to parent-teacher conferences. Next week will be spirit week so be sure to dress up according to the dress code. Alright, that's it for the announcements, feel free to chat with each other until the bell rings or whatever.'

The teacher goes to their desk and goes back to grading paperwork. BASIL glances around the classroom, nervously fidgeting with his fingers. He notices SUNNY conversing with a group of kids out of the corner of his eye.

'Hey hey, SUNNY! You look as emo as ever, what's with the long face?'

SUNNY rolls his eyes in response to this.

'Did ya know there was a school shooting in another country? Crazyy right?'

SUNNY doesn't say anything.

'I hope quiet kid SUNNY didn't bring a gun to school today. You know how quiet kids can easily snap, it's so scary!' 

'I mean, SUNNY does look like the type to bring a gun to school. He just looks so menacing with his soulless eyes.'

'Aww, guys stop bullying the kid! Who knows if he'll kill you on the spot.' 

The group snickers as SUNNY just simply ignores them.

BASIL wanted to say something but he just watched. He felt pathetic watching his best friend get picked on. 

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