𝑯𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒐? :)

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A/N: What you've all been waiting for! SUNNY's POV!! Enjoy ;)

TW: Voices, Self Harm, Manipulation, Obessesion. 

The room was filled with an air of tension and unease as SUNNY impatiently tapped his finger on the wooden table. His eyes wandered to KEL, who sat across from him, his expression serious and somber. The Principal occupied the seat of authority, maintaining a stern demeanor as the weight of the situation hung heavily in the room.

SUNNY let out a sigh, his impatience growing with each passing moment. He couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration and boredom, longing for the ordeal to be over. The dull and monotonous surroundings seemed to mirror his feelings, with the room lacking any vibrant colors or cheerful decorations.

He leaned back in his chair, maintaining a straight face, but his restlessness was evident in the way he fidgeted and shifted his weight. The silence in the room only amplified his discomfort, making it feel as though time had come to a standstill. He wondered how he looked to KEL, seeing how he was currently glaring at him. 

In an attempt to break the silence, SUNNY cleared his throat and glanced briefly at KEL. Their eyes met, and in that brief moment, SUNNY saw a mix of anger, hurt, and perhaps a hint of sadness in KEL's gaze. He ignored it and looked at the Principal with a sly smile.

The Principal sighed, seemingly not wanting to have this discussion, 'So, are the both of you going to tell me why you were fighting?', they asked, their voice tinged with a hint of resignation.

SUNNY's sly and persuasive nature kicked in as he leaned forward, his smile widening. He knew he had to handle this delicately. 'Principal, I assure you, it was just a minor disagreement. A small misunderstanding blown out of proportion,' he began, his tone smooth and confident.

He continued, choosing his words carefully to convince the Principal of his innocence. 'You know how it is, Principal. Sometimes emotions run high, and things escalate. But deep down, KEL and I are good friends. We just had a momentary lapse in judgment, and it won't happen again.'

SUNNY's eyes sparkled with a touch of charm, his voice persuasive. 'I'm sure you understand, Principal, how important it is for us to maintain harmony in the school. We're both committed to that goal. In fact, we were just discussing ways to collaborate on a project to promote unity among the students.'

'We've learned our lesson, Principal,' SUNNY continued, his tone sincere. 'We take full responsibility for our actions, and we are genuinely sorry for any disruptions caused. We value your guidance and will work together to make amends and ensure a peaceful environment for everyone.'

KEL looked at SUNNY in a mixture of confusion and anger, he looked down and stayed quiet.

SUNNY leaned back in his chair, his smile still present, waiting for the Principal's response, hoping that his sly persuasion had swayed them towards a lenient and understanding stance.

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