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TW: Foul language, Implied abuse, Violence, Slight manipulation.

Several hours pass, during which HERO had been engaged in a continuous conversation with BASIL. The rain eventually subsided, prompting BASIL to quickly rise to his feet and make his way outside. He was sick of HERO's constant chatter about stupid things like flowers and animals. The pavement was damp, and the previously overcast sky was transitioning to a vivid shade of blue. He couldn't believe he had to spend almost all of his morning in a hospital. 

'The rain finally let up! Its pretty chilly out here though, should we go and get the money?', HERO follows BASIL out, cheerfully smiling.

What the hell was he so happy about? BASIL was taking his money so why was he so happy? He really couldn't understand HERO.

'Uh yeah, sure, lets go.', BASIL sighs.

BASIL starts to walk as HERO continues to smile. As they passed by the park, numerous children glared at HERO with disgust, while their mothers hastily shielded their babies' eyes. BASIL rolls his eyes, what a bunch of sissy's. HERO didn't seem phased by all the staring and continued to act all chipper and happy. God, BASIL couldn't believe this guy was helping him. 

'You know, I wonder why the people in this town are so aggressive towards me! I mean, I seem like a friendly guy, right?', HERO turns his head towards BASIL. 

BASIL sighs,' I told you before, you were a terrible person. After you get your memories back or whatever you'll revert back to who you were.

'Oh...H..How bad was I? Ah, what I mean is, how many bad things did I do..?', HERO asks curiously. 

BASIL bursts into laughter.

'How many bad things did you do? The entire fucking criminal list, every.single.bad.thing.possible. You lied, stole, abused people, assaulted KEL, bullied me, and much more. You were an absolute fucking scumbag.', BASIL slightly glared at HERO before turning his gaze forward.

HERO's eyes widen as he looks down.

'Did...I...W..Was I really? Oh gosh..I'm so sorry BASIL...I..I promise I'll be a better person this time!', HERO does a small smile.

BASIL chuckles and turns to HERO with a smile.

'Aww don't worry buddy! I'm sure you'll be better this time around. I don't hold any grudges, promise!', BASIL forcefully does a cheerful smile. 

HERO, like the idiot that he was, fell for BASIL's fake smile and words. He returns the smile back but with actual happiness.

'I'm glad that you're so understanding, BASIL. I don't know what I would've done without you eh-heh.', HERO chuckles and runs in front of BASIL, observing the surroundings. 

'Mhm! That's what friends do, after all, they help each other.', BASIL says the last line a bit too aggressively. He clears his throat and smiles. 

HERO becomes distracted and kneels down in front of a patch of flowers, causing BASIL's eye to twitch with annoyance, he just wanted to hurry up, get the money, and leave this doofus. 

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