Start of Day 2

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TW: Overthinking, Foul language, Panic attacks, and Slight suicidal thoughts

BASIL awakens to the sound of chirping birds, his head pounding from sleeping outside. He leans against the tree he slept on for support as he stands up, staring up at the sky that threatened to rain.

'Dammit..', BASIL sighs. 

This meant he either had to find somewhere to stay or go back 'home'. BASIL tries to think about what he should do. He could maybe waste a few hours at the hospital with the excuse of 'visiting' KEL, but he doesn't know how long it will be raining. He could go to AUBRE- No, not doing that. Wait, he could get HERO to help! If he manipulates him, he could get somewhere to stay. BASIL dusts himself off and goes to the water to wash his face and braids his hair into a long ponytail, surveying himself in the reflection. He stretches, he should've been used to this routine but he wasn't. Every day felt more and more like a chore to him. He wondered when this life of his was going to end, how long does he have to fight for survival like an animal in the wild. He stares at himself in the water's reflection, he looks really dirty. He should probably sneak into the laundromat and wash his clothes there. The owner has always been kind to him, which is a rarity in this town full of "shit-heads."

As a droplet of water falls onto his neck, he shudders from the sudden coldness. Looking up, he sees the light grey sky signaling a downpour. He thought he had more time, he was going to have to go with the first option, which was 'visiting' KEL. He didn't have enough time to get HERO to give him some money so he could get a hotel room. He stands up and turns around, running to the hospital. The hospital wasn't that far but it took around 15 minutes to walk there. He was fully sprinting, not even caring to breathe properly. It took him 10 minutes to get to the hospital, he thanked POLLY for forcing him to take track. The sky opens up and pours down on him, making him half-soaked as he dashes inside. BASIL really hoped he wasn't going to get sick, his immune system was absolute garbage and he didn't want to get a cold. He removes his too-short jacket and attempts to dry it. Afterward, he drapes the jacket over his shoulder and makes his way towards the receptionist.

'Hello! What brings you here today?', The young receptionist asks.

'Uh I'm here to visit a friend, his name is KEL.', BASIL replies, slightly confused on why this person was being so nice to him.

The young receptionist types away on their keyboard, then looks up from their computer.

'KEL [REDACTED]? That's room 110.', The young receptionist smiles.

'Thanks...', BASIL quickly runs away from the situation. That was awkward, way too awkward for him. He has trouble making conversations, and someone being nice to him is unexpected.

BASIL ascends the stairs and stops in front of a door. He takes a deep breath before opening it. Kel is reading as usual, but something seems off. He looks tired and weak.

'Yeesh, you look terrible! It looks like you haven't eaten in days.', BASIL exclaims in a lighthearted attempt at humor.

'...Do you need something BASIL?', KEL replies wearily,

BASIL takes a chair and sits next to KEL, he crosses his leg. 

OUTRUN THE TRUTH {OMORI AU}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora