Don't Sympathize With Me

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TW: Foul language, Stereotypes, Paranoia, Implied emotional abuse, and manipulation.

BASIL blinks at HERO before averting his gaze nervously. He had let his guard down so why..hasn't he done anything yet? BASIL backs away, removing HERO's hands from him. He looks at him cautiously.

'Why...are you being so nice to me? I don't understand...', BASIL asks.

HERO looked surprised before softly smiling.

'Why wouldn't I be nice to you? I might not remember you but being mean to someone because of that is just dumb!', HERO chuckles trying to lighten up the mood. 

BASIL stares at HERO, with an odd expression. He didn't fully trust him but maybe it was better if he played along. He didn't want to get hurt after all. 

'Uh yeah, that would be pretty stupid.', BASIL crosses his arms, looking extremely nervous. 

HERO tilts his head. He frowns.

'Hey, am I making you...scared? Am...I scary to you? I know earlier you really wanted to get away from me so much that's better to not bring it up, haha.', HERO says rubbing his neck.

BASIL didn't get what HERO's goal was. Why was he being so careful around him? He was treating him like he was a porcelain doll that'll shatter at any moment. He might be emotionally unstable but he wasn't weak. BASIL glares slightly at HERO.

'Err, uh what's your name?', HERO asks randomly.

BASIL rubbed his arms. What if all of this was a trap? Maybe it was better to run while he can. BASIL backed away more.

'It's...BASIL.', BASIL says cautiously.

'BA...SIL? Hmm, that name sounds familiar but I'm sure I've never seen you before. That's weird.', HERO ponders, looking towards the ground as he thinks.

BASIL leans on his side before wincing. After all these fight or flight moments, he had completely forgotten about the injuries from HERO and POLLY. 

'Oh..Are you hurt? Uhm..hmm I could get some antibiotics and bandages for you if you want.', HERO smiles at BASIL. 

' really do that for me?', BASIL was starting to question his own sanity. Was this entire scenario in his head? Did he crave kindness this much? It was pathetic.

'Huh? Why wouldn't I do that for you? I mean sure, you're a stranger to me but that's just common sense to help someone out!', HERO crosses his arms, looking at BASIL.

BASIL was shocked by HERO's response. Was this the same person? This must've been someone else for sure. He was starting to wonder if HERO hit his head when he was fighting KEL and this is why he was acting so...weird.

'You're weird.' BASIL says bluntly.

HERO chuckles.

OUTRUN THE TRUTH {OMORI AU}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ