Harsh Reality

113 7 8

TW: Violence, Foul Language.

BASIL looks away as he starts to rub his arm. He could see a bunch of kids whispering near the monkey bars. Wasn't that SUNNY'S group of hooligans? Oh great, even more trouble.

'Hey, we should probably go. Staying around here for too long could...be dangerous.', BASIL continues to eye the hooligans as he whispers to HERO.

HERO stands up confused. He walks over to BASIL, looking at where BASIL was looking.

'Dangerous? BASIL, I know you probably think everyone is dangerous but they're not! I'm sure the people here are nice.', HERO smiles as he grabs BASIL by the arm softly and drags him to the group of hooligans.

'HERO no! Stop!', BASIL struggles but can't put up much of a fight.

'Hey! You guys seem like a cool bunch plus I think BASIL would really want to be friends with you guys! Isn't that right BASIL?', HERO smiles warmly.

'What?! NO!', BASIL snatches back his arm and glares at HERO.

The group of hooligans glares at HERO menacingly, with one of them giving him an angry stare.

HERO's head tilts in confusion as he surveys his surroundings, and he soon begins to sweat nervously.

'Uh, maybe this isn't a good time. We're sorry to bother you, I guess I didn't read the room aha.', HERO tries to leave but a Hooligan blocks him. 

'Hah, do you think you can just stroll up to us and be all friendly? Please, you're delusional!' The co-leader says.

'Where do you think you're going? PUNK?', A Hooligan says.

'Yeah! Just where the HELL do you think you're going?', Another Hooligan speaks.

BASIL glares at the Hooligans. This is exactly why he didn't want anything to do with them. 

'I'm leaving? Could you please move out of the way...we won't bother you anymore..', HERO says nervously.

'Leave? Why would we let YOU leave? You make me laugh.', The Hooligan smirks.

HERO doubled over in pain as the Hooligan delivered a powerful punch to his gut, forcing him to kneel down and clutch his stomach.

BASIL cracks his knuckles as he gets into a fighting position. 

As HERO attempts to rise, the Hooligan delivers a harsh kick to his face, causing him to fall to the side.

'W..Why? We were...just trying to be friendly with you...', HERO says quietly.

'Why? You have ruined our lives! We don't know why you're acting so weird but if it gives us the chance to beat the shit out of you we'll take it.', The hooligan crosses their arms.

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