Someone To Talk To

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AUBREY's voice trembled with sorrow as she asked, 'How...did you end up like this..?'  Tears were welling up in her eyes.

BASIL didn't know how to respond to that question. Should he be blunt or try to sugarcoat it?

BASIL sighs quietly.

'I just got into a fight, that's all..', BASIL avoided AUBREY's gaze.

AUBREY's eyes widened, she bites her lip.

'Who....Who did you fight with..?', AUBREY's voice continued to tremble.

'Ugh, why are you so concerned? I'm fine! It's....It's not like I died.', BASIL rubs his neck.

' ended up in the hospital! THE HOSPITAL! How..How can I not be concerned?', AUBREY sniffles as tears pour out her eyes. 

BASIL looks away, feeling guilty for causing AUBREY so much distress. He takes a deep breath before speaking, his voice barely above a whisper.

'It..was SUNNY. I fought with SUNNY...'

'S...SUNNY? Why did you fight with him? What....happened?', AUBREY asks with concern.

'It doesn't matter...he was just being an idiot like usual and we started arguing, it's nothing new.', BASIL says with spite.

'I shouldn't have fought with him. It was stupid, but I don't regret it. I don't want to talk about this anymore.', BASIL adds, his voice tinged with sadness.

'Okay, we....don't have to talk about it anymore if you don't want to.', AUBREY says, her voice gentle and caring.

'...Thanks..', BASIL gets the courage to look AUBREY in the eyes before looking away once again. 

BASIL sits quietly, lost in thought. His mind is swirling with conflicting emotions, and he's not sure how to make sense of them. He knows that he shouldn't have fought with SUNNY, but he can't help feeling a sense of pride in standing up for himself. At the same time, he's acutely aware of the pain and worry that he's causing AUBREY.

BASIL takes a deep breath and looks back at AUBREY, who is watching him with concern. He can see the tears still glistening in her eyes, and he feels a pang of guilt.

'What..uhm...have you been doing lately?', BASIL tries to start a conversation.

'I've mostly been inside but uh..I recently been trying to cook! I'm thinking of leaving this town and going to a culinary school..!', AUBREY smiles nervously. 

BASIL can't help but slightly smile back at AUBREY's enthusiasm. He's always admired her drive and determination even if she could be a bit timid sometimes. 

'Culinary school, huh...? That's a big step. But I have no doubt that you'll excel at it.', BASIL says, feeling a sense of pride for AUBREY.

AUBREY's smile widens at the compliment, she nods.

'Yeah, it's scary but...I...I don't want to stay in this town forever. I want to do something that makes me happy, you know?', AUBREY says, her eyes sparkling with determination.

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