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TW: Foul Language

'Heyyy, HERO,' BASIL says, his voice attempting to sound cheerful. 'What's up?'

HERO runs up to BASIL, out of breath and his hair neatly combed. 

'There you are!', He catches his breath before continuing, 'I've heard what happened from the people in town...'

BASIL's fake smile fades slightly as he realizes that the news of his encounter with SUNNY had spread.  He shifts uncomfortably, feeling exposed and vulnerable.

HERO had heard what had happened? Shit shit shit, those stupid townspeople and their gossip. Just act calm, he doesn't know everything...

'Yup, I guess everyone knows now, haha...' BASIL says, his voice tinged with resignation.

'..BASIL, are you okay?', HERO asks gently, his voice filled with genuine worry. 'What happened.?'

BASIL's shoulders slump slightly as HERO's concern becomes evident. He takes a deep breath, contemplating how much to share with HERO. He trusts him, but the fear of judgment still lingers.

'All I can say is that AUBREY being in the hospital was NOT me. I would never hurt her.', BASIL furrows his eyebrows. 

'Never...hurt her? Just like you would NEVER hurt M A R I?', HERO tilts his head, innocently smiling.

What..the fuck? Does he remember? Wait...if he remembers then am I in danger? Is this an act? Is he going to hurt me...?!

BASIL's eyes widen in shock and confusion at HERO's unexpected mention of MARI. His face pales, and his voice trembles as he tries to process the implications behind HERO's words.

'W...What?', He stammers out, trying to act calm. 

HERO stops smiling and frowns, 'I...hmm...I don't remember who MARI is but I do remember someone hurting her. Sorry, I...don't know why I said that, eh-heh.', He does a silly grin while rubbing his neck nervously. 

BASIL's mind races as he sees an opportunity to deflect the conversation away from MARI. He quickly gathers his thoughts, trying to find a way to steer HERO's attention elsewhere.

'Oh, don't worry about it, HERO!' BASIL says with a forced chuckle, his voice laced with relief. 'It's probably just a misunderstanding or something. Let's focus on what happened with AUBREY and SUNNY instead. That's what really matters right now, after all.'

BASIL tries to divert the conversation, hoping that HERO won't delve any further into the topic of MARI. He really didn't wanna go into that topic right now. 

'I understand that AUBREY and SUNNY are important right now,' HERO says, his tone serious. 'But BASIL, I can't help but feel like there's something you're not telling me. I want to help and support you, but I can only do that if you're honest with me.'

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