Getting Some Help

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TW: Foul Language, Mentions of Self-Harm, Somewhat SUNNY

It takes another 5 minutes to walk back home. KEL looks up at the sky, which is turning darker and darker. He turns on his phone and checks the time, it was 7:30 PM. Has BASIL eaten yet? He doubt it, he was freaking out the entire day. 

As they approach the house, KEL notices the lights are on inside. He quickens his pace and opens the front door. Inside, he sees SUNNY sitting on the couch, engrossed in his phone.

'Heyy, where have you two been?', SUNNY looks up from his phone with a smirk. 

'We were out taking a walk in the PARK,' KEL responds, trying to keep his tone neutral.

SUNNY raises an eyebrow. 'For two hours? You must have been really enjoying yourselves.'

KEL clenches his jaw, annoyed by SUNNY's tone. 'We were just enjoying the fresh air.'

SUNNY snorts. 'Yeah, right. You two probably went off to do something you shouldn't have.'

BASIL looks at SUNNY with a mixture of anger and fear. 'What are you talking about?'

SUNNY smirks again. 'Oh, nothing.'

KEL steps forward, his temper flaring. 'Enough, SUNNY. We were just taking a walk. Don't accuse us of things without any proof. Just go back to what you were doing.' 

SUNNY rolls his eyes and goes back to his phone. KEL takes a deep breath and tries to calm down. He knows that arguing with SUNNY never leads to anything good.

'Yeah go back to your phone, prick.', BASIL mutters. 

KEL sighs and walks to the kitchen. He looks around to find something to eat. 

'Hey, SUNNY. Where are your parents?', KEL asks. 

SUNNY looks up from his phone again. 'They're out for the evening. They won't be back until late.'

'Hm, okay.', KEL opens the cabinets.

He finds some peanut butter and some jelly. He reaches for the bread and makes some PB&J.

BASIL joins KEL in the kitchen, looking over his shoulder as he makes the sandwich.

'You're making a PB&J? Nice,' BASIL says, a hint of amusement in his voice. After a moment of silence, he quickly adds. 'You gonna eat that?' 

KEL does a small smile and hands the sandwich to BASIL. 'Here.'

BASIL takes a big bite and chews for a moment before speaking. 'Thanks, I'm starving.'

'You're always starving, BASIL.', KEL jokes. 

BASIL grins with a mouthful of the sandwich. 'What can I say, food is my passion.'

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