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TW: Yelling, Slight Foul Language.

As soon as AUBREY arrived at the hospital she was immediately put into emergency care. BASIL could no longer stay with her and was guided towards the waiting room. He looked nervously around before looking down, everyone's eyes watched his every move as he sat down on a chair. BASIL anxiously fidgeted in the uncomfortable chair, his mind consumed by worry for AUBREY. Before long, AUBREY's parents show up clearly concerned. 

BASIL's heart skipped a beat when he saw AUBREY's parents enter the waiting room. Their faces etched with worry mirrored his own fears. As they approached him, their eyes filled with a mix of relief and desperation.

'You're BASIL...correct?', AUBREY's mother asks, visibly shaking.

'Y...Yeah.' he replied with a nod, his voice filled with anxiety. 

AUBREY's father stepped forward, his facial expression ghostly and frail. It looked like he wasn't in good health. 

He spoke, 'Do you know what happened to my daughter?', he asked, demanding to know. 

BASIL's heart sank as he met the gaze of AUBREY's father, the worry etched deep in his eyes. The weight of responsibility bore down on him, knowing that he had no answers to offer in that moment.

'I...I'm sorry..', BASIL's voice cracks, 'It's all my fault..', he looks down guiltily.

 AUBREY's father clenched his fists, his voice filled with anguish as he shouted, 'Your fault? How could you let this happen? You were supposed to protect her like a MAN should!'

AUBREY's mother's eyes welled up with tears, her voice quivering with sorrow. The weight of the situation and her husband's outburst became too much to bear, and she broke down, her sobs filling the air.

'I...I can't believe this is happening,' she choked out between her tears. 'My poor baby, she didn't deserve any of this.'

BASIL's heart sank further as he witnessed the pain in AUBREY's mother's eyes.  

AUBREY's father, overcome with guilt and regret, softened his tone as he saw his wife's tears. He embraced her, their shared grief binding them together in this moment of despair.

'I'm sorry, love...' he whispered, his voice filled with remorse.

AUBREY's mother clung to her husband, seeking solace in his arms. Her tears continued to flow, but his words offered a glimmer of comfort amidst the anguish. Despite the overwhelming emotions in the room, AUBREY's father paused for a moment, his gaze shifting from BASIL to his wife, and back to BASIL again. His voice quivered as he struggled to contain his anger and grief.

'I trusted you to take care of her, to keep her safe,' AUBREY's father said, his voice laced with accusation. 'How could you let something like this happen? You were supposed to protect her, just like any responsible friend would.'

BASIL's heart sank even deeper as he felt the weight of AUBREY's father's blame. 

 BASIL's eyes filled with tears as he desperately tried to find the right words to explain himself. He mustered the courage to speak, his voice quivering with sincerity. 'I never wanted anything like this to happen..! Please, believe me, I--'

OUTRUN THE TRUTH {OMORI AU}Where stories live. Discover now