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TW: Verbal abuse

The first rays of morning light began to filter through the curtains, gently illuminating the room. The tranquil atmosphere seemed to signify a fresh start, a chance to leave the troubles of the night behind and embrace the new day with hope and optimism.

As the soft morning light touched their faces, both BASIL and KEL continued to rest peacefully, still in the embrace of sleep. Unbeknownst to them, the gentle creaking of the door signaled an unexpected visitor.

MEWO, the lovable and enthusiastic dog, had sensed the presence of his beloved humans and decided it was time to greet them. With his tail wagging excitedly, he barged into the room, his paws padding softly on the floor.

MEWO's joyful energy couldn't be contained as he approached the bed where BASIL lay sleeping. He saw his friend resting, and without a moment's hesitation, he leaped onto the bed, landing next to BASIL.

With boundless affection, he began to shower BASIL's face with a series of wet, playful licks. His tail wagged furiously, and his eyes sparkled with delight. The dog's affectionate display was accompanied by soft, happy whimpers, as if he wanted to convey his joy at seeing BASIL safe and sound.

BASIL, stirred from his slumber by the loving canine assault, blinked his eyes open to find MEWO's adorable face right in front of him. Despite the grogginess of waking up, a smile slowly spread across his lips as he realized who was responsible for the unexpected wakeup call.

'Hey MEWO, who's a good boy?' BASIL said, his voice still drowsy but filled with affection. He reached out to scratch behind MEWO's ears, further encouraging the dog's enthusiastic display of love.

MEWO responded with more tail wags and even more licks, his devotion to his human friend evident in every gesture.

As he continued to shower him with affection, BASIL's smile grew wider, and he chuckled softly. He gently nudged the playful dog away, making space for himself to sit up on the bed. The morning grogginess was slowly dissipating, and he was becoming more aware of his surroundings.

Rubbing his eyes with one hand, BASIL glanced around the room, taking in the sunlight streaming through the curtains and the familiar sight of the bedroom. Then, he noticed KEL still sleeping beside him, and a touch of confusion crept into his expression.

'Wait, KEL, why are you still sleeping?' BASIL asked, his voice filled with genuine surprise. 'I thought you woke up with MEWO barging in.'

KEL stirred from his slumber, blinking his eyes open. He yawned and stretched, looking a little disoriented for a moment before fully registering BASIL's question.

'Oh, I must've dozed off again,' KEL said with a sheepish grin. 'MEWO's enthusiastic morning greetings were too adorable, and I guess it lulled me back to sleep.'

BASIL laughed softly, shaking his head in amusement. 'Only you could fall asleep amidst all that excitement,' he teased, playfully nudging KEL's shoulder.

OUTRUN THE TRUTH {OMORI AU}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang