"You turned it off..." Darcy voiced quietly and Alexandria gave a toothy smile.

The hybrid placed the knife on the kitchen island before moving closer to Darcy, her hands clasped in front of her. "I'm gonna need that address now," she whispered as she took the knife from the wall and held the tip under the witch's neck.

~ * ~

It didn't take long till the Sinclair was able to find the address that Darcy had given her. Located on the outskirts of the city, in a more secluded and quiet area. Alexandria walked down an alleyway to find a single door. Several scratches going up and down the metal.

As she approached the door, she heard a single heartbeat standing on the other side of it and a handful of more distant voices. She lightly knocked on the door and a small slider on the door moved to the side, allowing for a set of dark eyes to look through.

"Who are you?" the man's voice was rough and raspy like he smoked frequently.

Alexandria held her hands behind her back. "You wouldn't happen to be The Syndicate would you?" the hybrid got straight to the point.

The man stayed silent for a moment before he narrowed his eyes. "No. Go home, kid," he responded and shut the slider.

Although, Alexandria's heard the slightest change in his heart rate. She had almost missed it. The hybrid sighed and let her hands fall to her sides.

Bringing a leg up, she forcefully kicked the door open. The man gasped and jumped back, surprise written all over his face as he stared at the girl. "What the fuck?!"

With the door wide open, Alexandria was able to see the man fully, standing a few feet in front of some stairs and leading down to a room below. Her interest was piqued and she looked back to the man, several tattoos over his neck and a few being hidden behind his long hair. He wore a vest which displayed his fully tattooed arms, but her attention was drawn to the one on his shoulder. The Syndicate's tattoo.

The hybrid's eyes went back to his and she plastered a fake smile. "If you don't mind... I'm just gonna pop down there real quick and say 'hi' to your friends," she announced and the man frantically shook his head.

"You can't–"

Alexandria immediately shut him up by grabbing the back of his head and slamming it into the wall next to him, knocking him out completely. Before he could fall forward, Alexandria grabbed the collar of his vest and instead pushed him down the stairs.

The unconscious man went tumbling down the stairs fast but Alexandria took her time, leisurely following and walking down the steps. As the unconscious man made it to the end, the conversations of those in the room halted, startled as ever as they stared at their friend sprawled out on the floor.

When Alexandria caught up, she stopped just before she hit the bottom of the steps and looked around the room. The Syndicate's hangout spot was an old rustic looking bar. She counted seven people, excluding the one passed out on the floor. Men and women scattered around the room. What caused irritation to swell up in her, was the fact that she recognised some of these people. They were the same exact people who were a part of the massacre.

As they all spotted the intruder, they were all thrown on high alert and grabbed their handheld weapons. Guns and knives were drawn at the sight of Alexandria standing over their unconscious friend.

"Who the fuck are you?!" a man with slicked-back hair spat as he stood up from the bar, holding his knife threateningly at Alexandria.

The hybrid almost laughed at the small knife.

My Curse • Hope MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now