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"Oh no no, I am sure a wedding is to be had. I have planned everything down to the last kiss," Mr. Burdock continues.

I flinch, noticing that Everett does also. I urge Hannah to take Grace away by shooing them off with the motions of my free hand.

"If you all are to make this more difficult than it has to be than I will have no choice but to let the public know that Ms. Blackwood likes to wonder off into dark gardens with mysterious men," Mr. Burdock says.

The duchess laughs, "As if that wouldn't be removed as soon as it is published. You forget I am the duchess."

Isaiah asks, "Is that supposed to be a threat Rian?"

Mr. Burdock laughs, "I am glad you are getting comfortable enough to use my first name seeing as we will be brother in laws tomorrow."

Everett manages to overpower the duchess and I as he gets past us.

As much as I would like for him to absolutely plummet Mr. Burdock in front of everyone I cannot so I get in front of him and this time I use both hands to stop him.

He stops, I know not by my force but rather by something else. Which is not known to me.

Mr. Burdock stumbles backwards, almost off his feet when Everett advanced toward him. Which I cannot help but giggle at.

He makes his leave as the conversation dies.

My hands fall from his chest and my eyes stare at the ground. This cannot be real!

"Ma ma, I would like to go home now," my voice cracks as I say.

She nods as she puts her hand on my back, ushering me toward the car.

We walk for what seems forever until we finally get to the car. Isaiah happens to slip in behind us.

"Mother, I shall have him taken care of," Isaiah says.

I just glance at him as I sit in the now moving car. Then back down to my lap.

"You will not have him killed, that will only make us look worse!" She yells.

The rest of the duration home the only thing I heard was my mother and brother screaming at one another.

Once we get home I see my other siblings cars. This is just great.

As we make our entrance everyone goes into conversation over the matter.

I can't help it, I yell, "Will all of you hush! This is my life! This only concerns me! All of you shut up!"

Everyone falls silent, my heavy breathing the only thing being heard.

I take a breath then say, "I will have it handled now all of you hush! Please!"

"How do you believe you will handle this?" Eden asks.

I say, "It is not for you to worry, now if you'll excuse me."

I make my way up to my room.

Niko punches me in the face, my focus being completely elsewhere which allows him to do so

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Niko punches me in the face, my focus being completely elsewhere which allows him to do so.

He lands a few more punches with cause me to stumble backward into the ropes.

"You are seriously going to such great lengths to keep Ms. Blackwood available to you?" He questions.

I gather myself and say, "No, I am going to such great lengths to make sure such a scum of a man will never step foot onto earth's land again."

"Wait you are killing him?" Niko questions as he dodged my punch.

I groan, "No, I am not. Someone else is!"

I land my first punch of the night onto his stomach. Which does very little must I say.

"If you were to let her get married you would be free to do as you please!" Niko says.

I say, "I am doing as I please. I am the prince, I do whatever I want whenever I want!"

Niko punches me across the jaw which causes me to fall onto the mat.

I groan and blink rapidly so my blurry vision will recover sooner.

"Gosh you are so distracted, we shall continue tomorrow when you are in your right mind," Niko says.

I groan as I look over my shoulder to him. I see he has extended his hand so I accept it.

He pulls me onto my feet then pulls me into a side hug, "You need rest and bourbon."

I roll my eyes and chuckle.

"You need to stay out of my business," I say.

Niko laughs, "That is not possible and will never happen, ever."

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