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*the way I'm writing the story I view the dress with no slit and no chains*

My mother and I walk inside the manor the ball is being held at to see people of different status, lifestyles, and backgrounds.

Most people here don't have an English accent.

Chatter fills the room, people dance, and instrumentals play beautifully. I look around the place and realize how breathtaking the architecture is.

"I see your brothers ahead, let's go over to them," my mother's suggestion interrupts my gawking.

I nod and we walk over to my brothers table. They're all talking and don't even notice our approach.

Hannah, Rose, and Ember all stand and hug us.

Rose points at my necklace, "Gorgeous."

It's a necklace of ruby's, my stylist said it's a "statement piece" because there are no sleeves and straps to my dress.

I say, "Thank you, you all look very gorgeous!" I smile.

Rose's emerald dress matches her eyes and black hair perfectly. Hannah's purple dress matches the tie to Isaiah's suit and makes her brown eyes pop. Ember's blue dress cools down her fiery personality. The dark blue goes perfectly with her blonde hair.

My mother says, "If you'll excuse me I have to go frolic."

As she exits Rose turns to me and says, "This has been awfully boring without you."

I laugh, Ember jokes, "As you can see these imbeciles have been too concentrated on talking about your parents divorce then talking or noticing any of us."

We all giggle at the nickname she gives my brothers.

I say, "I'm going to go get a drink, would anyone care to join?"

They all shake their heads, I nod as I walk away.

I have to walk through the dance floor and weave my way through people. I'm quite good at it since I attended American High School.

I think I hear someone call my name so I turn around. As I do I feel someone bump into my shoulder. I stumble backwards, rough large hands grabbing my upper arms and catching me. Pulling me up onto my feet.

My head snaps toward the person.

I pull into the one of my father's many castles and stop at the front

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I pull into the one of my father's many castles and stop at the front.

Stepping out of the car I hand my keys to a guard and see my lifelong caregiver, my aunt, Duchess of Edinburgh. I smile as I do, I haven't see her in years. I'm lucky to say she is my mothers sister and not my fathers. I don't think I'd be alive and well if I was raised by anyone on my fathers side.

Might I say she has not aged one bit.

"Well I believe my eyes have fooled me once again. My condolences your highness," she chirps as she walks over in her fancy dress and bejeweled cane.

I huff and say, "I would say thank you but I hate the man so I will not."

My aunt gives a small laugh, I say, "All jokes aside, it is wonderful to see you Aunt Astrid."

"As to you," she says with a smile.

She starts walking towards the castle, "Now follow me child, please excuse the fuss. As you know I'll be hosting the first ball of the fall."

"When will that be?" I ask.

She laughs as she turns to face me, "You are kidding me, I surely hope you are, correct?"

I look at her with confused eyes, she huffs and says, "Tomorrow, I'll have someone freshen you up. Now I'll have to make haste in showing you around so you can get some proper sleep."

I chuckle at her remarks, "Now I've made your return to England quite quiet. You must not ruin it." she informs.

"That may be difficult seeing that I stayed in a hotel last night," I say.

Aunt Astrid hits me in the leg with her cane, I furrow my brows as I rub the spot.

"You will put me on my death bed right next to your father one of these days. I swear by it." she huffs.

She takes a breath then continues on, "Every woman at this ball will be begging at your feet. You must keep your composure and resist temptation."

I stop walking, which she follows me in doing so, "I regret to inform you but my return will be short lived. I have only come to take care of my fathers duties he has left behind. I'm afraid it leaves me no time to frolic in the bliss of socializing."

She laughs, "Oh you are funny, you think you have a choice in coming or not."

I close my eyes as I sigh, "You have not changed."

She shakes her head then proceeds to use her cane to point to the flask in my suit.

"You will leave that here, unless you would like to trade it in for your dignity."

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