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"You are turning soft," Nikolai taunts as we circle each other in the ring

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"You are turning soft," Nikolai taunts as we circle each other in the ring.

I roll my eyes and he asks, "You really danced with her at a ball and later went on a date with her. The duchess told me you even sent her flowers!"

Dodging his punch I instead punch his ribs, "Why did I choose to bring you here with me from Russia?"

As I rise from my position I take a left hook to my jaw. Which I quickly shake off.

"You must admit you missed me!" He teases then punches me in my ribs.

I take in a sharp breath then punch him, my fist not feeling a thing from how often we spar.

The door opening causes my attention to shift. Which gives Niko the opportunity to right hook me on my cheekbone, which he takes.

I stumble back then see Isaiah storming in the gym.

"I need to talk with you!" He yells over the music.

I say as I continue to spar, "You already are."

Isaiah then says, "Would you like us to spar or talk?"

I look to Niko and he understands that our sparring has to be put on a quick hold. My hands drop from their offensive position as I relax.

"I think you've taken enough of a beating from me today, let's see how bad your next is," Niko jokes as he also relaxes.

I chuckle and we give one another a very brotherly handshake. I nod to him as he gets out of the ring, which he does back.

"What is it you would like to talk about?" I ask.

Isaiah comes in the ring swinging, I quickly duck and retaliate by doing the same I did to Niko. I punch him in his ribs.

My fists rising back to their position at my chin.

"What is the matter Blackwood?"

Isaiah groans and swings for my face again. This time I have to swerve around it, my fist now colliding with his jaw.

"What were you thinking taking my sister on a date and scaring off a man who could very well be her husband?" he questions.

I ask, "Well isn't that what you do with someone you look to date?"

"Your mind must not be too bright then," he yells.

"You must cut to the chase. A mind as quick as mine does not need such foolery," I tease.

He asks, "Are you dating my sister?"

"Should I not be?" I ask.

He groans and swings hard for my face, I laugh and give a grin as I dodge it.

"No, you should not!" He yells this time landing a punch on my stomach.

I tense then come at ease as I ask, "Give me a reason as to why? It appears to me you are fine with Mr. Burdock trying to do the same."

"I'll give you many: first she is my sister, second she is not mature enough, and third she is to be married to Mr. Burdock." He says as he surrenders.

Except he doesn't, he tricks me then punches me in the jaw.

I tighten my jaw muscles then say, "You have landed on a punch on something. That something being that Mr. Burdock is an unfit match for Ms. Blackwood and he is nothing but a disgrace to all men in England."

Angrily I land a final punch on Isaiah's jaw that sends him stumbling backwards and onto the ropes.

"He is entirely a good match for her. At least I know I have never seen him get kicked out of bars and I've even known his whereabouts for the past five years," he yells.

My breathing now heavy and rapid as I continue to spar Isaiah.

He finishes by saying, "He was here in this very town whereas you were who the fuck knows where. Probably in a slum of a town in Russia or somewhere just as disgustingly unpleasant."

Isaiah turn around to leave when I say, "Rian Burdock is hardly a saint or Angel by any means."

"You are a great friend but that lasts no more. She is my sister, my youngest and only sister. You are a man who is as mature as I. You do not belong with a 21 year old woman who is naive to everything here. This may come as a surprise but I prioritize my family over all else," he huffs.

I look to Niko who sits on a chair beside the ring then back to Isaiah who is now leaving.

As we hear the door close Niko says, "He is a very supportive older brother."

I roll my eyes and start to take off my wrist wraps, "The most supportive."

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