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The play yesterday was very good. I was quite intrigued by it, my focus not breaking from it not once. The way the actors sung and danced around while acting as another. It was magical to watch.

Almost everyone there was older than me. Some children watched but they did not seem to enjoy it.

A knock comes upon my door, I close my book and say, "Come in."

My mother walks in and smiles at me, "Good evening darling!"

"It is already afternoon?" I ask her as I look outside then to my phone.

She's right, it is about 3:45.

As my mother sits down on my couch in my room she tells, "The Duchess of Edinburgh has invited you and your siblings to a dinner at her home. All their wives are accompanying us also. Would you like to come?"

I ask, "When is the dinner?"

My mother answers, "Tonight, at 7 o'clock. I already have your stylists scheduled for whenever you need them."

"I think I will do my own makeup today Ma Ma," I say.

She smiles and teases, "Is that so?"

I nod and say, "Yes, I believe myself capable enough."

She nods and says, "Alright then, I love you!"

I say, "I love you Ma Ma."

My mother leans over and kisses my forehead, her hand resting on my cheek. I smile at her affections, which are short lived as she quickly goes off to get ready herself.

Standing, I walk over to my record player and start my soft jazz. Yes I have a music app on my phone but the sound of music off a record player cannot be replicated. It is so unique and sensual.

Walking upstairs to my bathroom I start to freshen myself up for the evening. Singing along to the music as I do, swaying to the instruments.

My makeup is little to none, little concealer, some blush, cheek contour, mascara, a shimmer on my eyelids, brows, and lastly a raspberry colored lipgloss.

Ready in no time, it takes me only an hour to do my hair and makeup. My outfit only taking about 30 minutes to pick out. Usually it takes my stylist days.

My dress is airy and light so I won't feel to compressed when I eat. My heals are only wedges with blue fabric straps. The heal itself a beige cork.

I walk to my mothers room and knock. One of the stylists letting me in. I wait for her to finish getting ready, which takes about an hour and a half. Which gives us 30 extra minutes for time on the road. Traffic is horrendous at this time of day.


We arrive at her home which is gorgeous and very large. An older villa that has the most enriching views and qualities.

The duchess meets us at the bottom of the stairs. She looks lovely as she stands in a jest black dress that's red decals compliment the grey of her hair.

She is joined by Prince Everett who looks just as dashing in his red suit with a cream vest layered underneath.

My mother and I curtsy in front of the two. She nods her head to us while Prince Everett holds his head high. Only his eyes looking down to meet ours, well, more specifically mine.

"I am so very glad you were able to make it tonight!" she says with a mischievous smile.

My mother says, "We are delighted that you extended the offer."

The two women talk, completely excluding Prince Everett and I as we wait for my siblings. Seeing as we got here early.

He walks over to me and compliments, "You look lovely Ms. Blackwood."

I smile as I say, "As do you Prince Everett."

"I must thank you for what you did for me at the ball," I say.

He shakes his head, "I must apologize to you for that man's behavior, which I will not tolerate and neither should you."

I smile but try to hide it as my fingers knead my dress.

Soon all my siblings arrive, all looking dashing. Everyone greets each other just before we go in.

As we arrive to the dining table it is set very nicely with name tags on each empty plate.

"I have arranged a seating plan for you all which was quickly written up," the duchess says as she looks at my mother.

The same mischievous smile from earth roses to her lips. I furrow my brows as I try to decipher what they have planned.

Once I reach the table my mother sits at one end and the duchess at the other. All my siblings are sat with their wives and I'm sat with Prince Everett.

This is what they've planned for Prince Everett and I to sit together.

He pulls out my chair then sits down, "Thank you," I say with a soft smile.

He says, "It was of no issue."

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