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The deep and raspy voice that seems to be haunting my mind lately saves me from the creepy older man.

The old, creepy man bows and quickly scurries away.

I turn to my side, facing Prince Everett, "I seem to keep thanking you or apologizing. This time I truly mean it when I say thank you."

He shakes his head, "No apology needed, especially after that man's behavior. Now are you alright?"

I nod, "I feel fine, I'll be much better when I get home."

He nods, we stand in an awkward silence for a couple seconds which leads me to walking away.

I cannot believe how outlandish my encounters with that man have been.

I sigh and shake my head as I walk outside in the fresh air. I take a long and deep breath that is much needed.


The next morning I wake up and feel extra refreshed as the sun beams down on my face.

I yawn as I stretch out my arms, sitting on my bed still.

Looking over to my bedside table I grab my phone.

A text from my father awaits me, "I would like you to come to my property and meet one of my dearest friends."

This wonderful morning has quickly escalated into one of dread.

I don't even bother to change into my day clothes as I stomp down the four flights of stairs to reach the kitchen.

Oddly enough everyone in my family, besides my father of course is sitting at the dining table.

Everyone notices my rage, my mother asking, "My dear, what is the matter?"

"My father, or should I say Edward has called upon me to visit his property to meet a few of his friends. Which we all know is men he wants me to marry!" My voice is loud and clear as I say that.

Everyone gasping as I say my fathers name.

"Oh, dearest, I don't believe he meant that," my mother says.

Eden says, "If he did she won't be going. I will not allow my sister to get married to some old, wealthy, scumbag."

Ember yells, "Watch your language, there are children at this table."

Eden falls silent, anger underlies his expression.

I roll my eyes and let out an unpleased chuckle then say, "Now that I think of it. One of his "friends" approached me last night. If it were not for a kind gentleman I probably would have been taken advantage of."

Rose says, "Aurelia why don't you have some breakfast and calm down."

"Calm down! You want me to calm down?!" I ask in disbelief.

Urban mumbles, "You're acting like a banshee."

I grab a scone and throw it at him, "There, that will be your breakfast. I hope you enjoyed how it felt to be thrown at your face!" I yell and stomp away.

I can't believe the audacity of everyone this morning. And taking his side!

As I walk up the stairs I let out a defeated yell.

A maid asks, "Madam are you alright?"

I stop in my tracks and take a breath, "No I am not but you are greatly appreciated."

She smiles and I stomp upstairs. My expression quickly changing back to that of anger.

I hate men with everything in me. Every man, young, old, wealthy, poor, royalty or not.

I slam my bedroom door as I walk in.

Waking onto the patio I make my way to the hammock which I lay on and look at the beautiful scenery in front of me.

Why can't I have a normal father who doesn't reign his terror on his daughter.

I can feel tears start to flow then even more as I yell at myself for crying over that imbecile.

Soon my silent cries turn into a sob.

God, maybe this is Earth's way of punishing me for being such a waste. I mean I literally can do nothing. Most of that being my parent's fault for sheltering me.

Heck I haven't even had my first kiss, I've never been on a date, I was never allowed to go to an actual university, never allowed a career.

I wanted to take up forensics class in high school and when I suggested it I don't think I've ever seen my father any angrier.

He flipped his desk table and shattered every piece of glassware in that room. I had to get 50 stitches that night because of all the flying glass that hit me and that I had stepped on.

I wipe my tears and take a breath as I look up to the sky. The moon still up but quickly fading from how early it is.

God I would do anything to have Stella with me right now. Usually I'm the one listening to her rants but sometimes we switch places. I wish we could at this very moment.

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