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I walk through the street market with my mother looking at all the different vendors. She said the duchess and prince will be meeting us.

I'm nervous about the upcoming interaction between the prince and I. He will probably think of me as weak or a fool after last night. Or he might think of me as a whore after our kiss.

I furrow my brows as I pick my skin once again. It has become a bad habit of mine.

"Oh look who it is!" A familiar voice sounds from behind.

My mother turns around, I look over my shoulder to see Isaiah, Grace and Hannah.

I can feel my breath hitch as I see Isaiah. Partly the reason I had an anxiety attack last night. Which was quite brutal.

I learned this morning my text to my "mother" was actually to Everett. And that is why he called me. I'm happy I made that small mistake though. I don't think my mother could've helped me as well as he did.

Isaiah asks, "Aurelia can I talk to you? Alone?"

I nod and we veer off from the other three.

I fidget with my hands the whole walk, anxiously.

He asks, "Why didn't you tell me of what happened at the outdoor ball?"

I look at my feet as I say, "I didn't think it necessary."

"Why not?" he asks.

I sigh, "Because I had handled it and besides you would not have believed me."

"Yes I would!" he exclaims, his voice tells me he feels betrayed.

I roll my eyes, "You never do, I did not expect you to change your ways ever so suddenly so I didn't ask for help or tell you about the event."

"You think of me as rubbish?" he questions.

That is not what I said.

I sigh and stop in my tracks, "Would you like to hear yes or would you like me to validate your feelings?"

He huffs and says, "You know, when you were younger you would never have ever left my side. Not to mention you told me every single detail about your life."

I shake my head in disbelief, "I've grown up, I've changed! And so have you yet you don't even realize it!"

"Now please, I would like to be left alone!" I announce.

He rolls his eyes as he stomps away. I take a deep breath as I clench my fists.

Closing my eyes I take another deep breath. When I open them I look around only to see the duchess and the prince talking to my mother, Grace, and Hannah.

I start to walk over when Everett looks toward me. I can see relief cross his face as he starts to approach.

We meet in the middle, he asks, "Are you alright after last night?"

I nod, "I believe so, I do not believe my brother to make it much better."

He sighs and asks, "What has he done now?"

I shrug as I fold my hands together behind my back.

"Only the normal cruel remarks and stupid insults," I say.

Everett groans, "I must say he is consistent with his ability of pissing people off with little words."

I laugh and say, "You are not wrong."

Everett mumbles, "You've got to be joking."

I ask, "Pardon me?"

He points behind me so I turn around. Mr. Burdock stomps toward my mother. His face more bruised and battered then before. This time he has stitches.

I wonder who decided to give him more of a beating.

As I am facing this way I see that Everett has somehow slipped past me and is starting toward Mr. Burdock.

Oh gosh!

I grab the sides of my dress and pull them up as I start to run after him.

"Prince Everett!" I yell.

His strides are powerful and warning.

I just so happen to get in front of him so he cannot continue on, probably to choke out Mr. Burdock.

Yet he only adds to the flame as he starts walking toward us. My little family here following.

"I would like for you to know I have taken the wedding planning into my own hands and have moved the event to tomorrow," Mr. Burdock says.

"I have already told you I am not marrying you," I say with warning.

I can feel Everett's heartbeat quickening as my hand is placed on his chest making sure he is to not move forward. The duchess comes beside me, I'm assuming to at least try to calm Everett who looks as if he is about to blow.

Mr. Burdock turns toward my mother, "I shall speak with you. The true leader of this unruly pack."

My mother snaps, "This conversation is irrelevant and useless seeing as a wedding is not going to be had."

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