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My mother and I sat there for a while together. After a while she told me to get ready for the day in which I did.

I didn't do anything special with my appearance. I put on concealer, mascara, blush, lip gloss, and some contour. My dress is yellow with a lace cutout just above my knee. I wear yellow flats to match. My hair, still bright ginger flows down my back. All I did was spray it with hairspray and make sure it framed my face.

Enough of that, I have to see what the press said about the events of last night. I should go ask my mother. As I walk to her office I see that the door is open. I knock as I look to see her sitting behind her desk and working.

She looks up and asks, "What's the matter?"

I ask, "What did the press say about last night?"

I can see her visibly become annoyed as she groans, "They are buffoons, they said Mr. Burdock is the reasonable man in this manner. Not to mention the fact they are demonizing your brother and the prince."

I sigh and say, "I'm going to do some research on my own then."

"Before you go, I was told by Duchess Wallick that the prince had a rough night last night. Maybe, perhaps, you should check up on him?" She proposes.

I think about her words then give a subtle nod as I close the door.

Taking out my phone I go to his contact then debate on calling him or not. I suppose I could bring him a gift as an apology for what happened last night.

My goodness, what am I thinking. He would think of me a fool if I did such.

I am his fake girlfriend, it's the least I could do.

I instead call Urban, which it takes him a few rings to answer.

"What is it Aurelia?" He asks.

I ask, "Let's say you put someone in a position that looks bad. What would you get them as an apology?"

He is quiet then asks with a sigh, "Who is this for?"

I say, "No one important, now what do you think they would like?"

Urban chuckles, "Well what do they like?"

I shrug as I say, "I know they like to box but I don't know much else."

He says, "If you don't know much then just get them something simple. Like chocolates or a bracelet."

Ohh, I could get him a leather bracelet or a watch. Maybe both!

I say with enthusiasm, "Thank you! I love you."

I hang up the phone before he can say anything else.

I yell, announcing, "Mother I'll be gone for a while, call me if you need anything."

She yells, "Alright honey, be safe!"

"I will!" I yell as I quickly make my way to the garage.


I bought him a leather bracelet with his name burned into the interior. I also got him a watch, I didn't know which one to get so I asked an old man who looked rich and he told me to get him a Rolex so I did. I also got him chocolates and a coffee. Hopefully he likes it, he might not but oh well.

I stand at the door of the address my mom sent me. I suppose she knew I was going to give Everett a visit. It is the home the duchess held a dinner at. Which I must say is very nice.

What looks to be a butler answers.

"Hello madam," he says.

I smile and ask, "Is Prince Everett here?"

The man asks, "And who is asking."

I say, "My gosh, I am so sorry! I forgot to introduce myself. I am Aurelia Blackwood."

The butler nods then says, "I am sorry Ms. Blackwood but Prince Everett is not here. He is at the gym he frequents at."

I nod, saying, "I thank you for your time. Have a nice evening!"

"Madam, I'll write down the address and give it to you. If you will excuse me as I get a paper," he says.

I stand and wait, I'm excited to see how he likes my gifts but also scared. Maybe I am doing to much. After all this is all fake.

Only about a minute later he comes back and gives me a folded piece of paper.

"Have a great day Ms. Blackwood, drive safe," he says.

I smile and nod as I say, "As do you!"

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