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I stand besides the dance floor with my Aunt and the Duchess of Cambridge, my fathers sister

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I stand besides the dance floor with my Aunt and the Duchess of Cambridge, my fathers sister. Whom I have not spoke to since I was a child.

It's seems every woman here has approached me and it appears they all lurk for a royal crown which will not be given. I refuse to marry and I refuse to stand here any longer bored out of my wits.

I depart and start walking toward the bar. Keeping my eyes on the Duchess of Cambridge for a second making sure she doesn't notice of my absence.

I bump into a figure and can feel them falling, my arms instinctively reach out to catch them. My hands gripping the persons arms rather tightly to pull them back onto their gfeet.

I look at the person I'm holding only to realize it's the woman who ran into me two days ago. Except today she looks much more put together. Still just as breathtaking as before.

"Pardon me," I say.

She says, "Forgive me, I wasn't looking."

I shake my head, "Nonsense."

I ask, "What is your name?"

She replies, "I am Aurelia Blackwood and you sir?"

A look of surprise rises upon my face, "Am I to believe you do not already know my name?" I ask with a bit of sarcasm in my voice.

She seems very confused, just as I am about to answer I hear, "Thornton!"

I turn to the voice and see Isaiah Blackwood.

"Blackwood!" I yell back.

As I'm standing in front of the man who I can't seem to have a normal confrontation with my brother, Isaiah comes along yelling

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As I'm standing in front of the man who I can't seem to have a normal confrontation with my brother, Isaiah comes along yelling.

"Thornton!" He yells.

The man yells back, "Blackwood!"

They do some form of a "man hug" which I do not understand.

My brother is the first to pull away, saying, "I've heard the news about your father and I'm terribly sorry. But now that makes you King of England. Weird title for someone so young."

I just about fall over at that statement I bumped into the King of England.

King Everett laughs awkwardly then says, "Still Prince Everett."

Isaiah continues on, "Oh I'm sorry, this is my youngest sibling and only sister, Aurelia. Aurelia meet now known as King Everett."

"Your sister?" He questions with a weird tone.

Isaiah huffs and says, "You're the most powerful person in this room, own it proudly."

"The prince of England is it?" I ask comically though you cannot tell because of my tone.

The man glances down to me with an unknown look. His eyes emotionless and telling me nothing.

"The prince and I know each other from the country club we both attended before he left some years ago... days that will soon be resumed," my brother who seems extra talkative says.

I chime, "Yes, from the company I know of yours I'm sure those days were.... courteous."

The man grows a smirk on his lips as I say that, his eyes seem to be reading my expression.

Quickly he looks toward Isaiah as he says, "We shall meet up again soon. I expect to see you at the country club!"

"Indeed," Prince Everett replies.

Prince Everett follows with, "Good evening Blackwood, Ms. Blackwood."

I nod my head as he looks at me, his eyes reading my expression just as mine do his. Which I get nothing except curiosity.

My brother takes my arm in his and starts to walk away which I do also. I look behind my shoulder at Prince Everett and see he's doing the same. His eyes seem enticed by me.

But I investigate no more, instead I turn my head straight ahead of me.

"I'm parched, I shall go get a drink." I say to Isaiah.

He says, "Well, I will meet you at our table then."

I nod with a smile as he walks away.

As I reach the bar I ask, "May I have a glass of champagne?"

The woman behind nods with a smile, "Of course!"

As I wait I look at the spot Prince Everett just stood to see he's not there.

"Miss your drink is ready!" The woman's voice interrupts me.

I turn towards her and accept my drink, "I thank you!"

"You're welcome, now have a great night!" She says.

I nod and smile at her as I quickly down the drink and set it down. I hastily walk towards my families table only to see my mother is not there.

"Where is mother?" I ask Urban who is sitting alone.

"I don't know, she's probably frolicking in her natural state, socializing."

I laugh and say, "Well I am going to go home, I'll have a car called to pick her up."

Urban says, "Nonsense, I'll take her home."

I nod and say, "Thank you."

I start walking towards the exit when a random man stops me, "Why leaving so soon darling?"

It's an older man with a smile that makes his face displeasing to look at.

"I am feeling quite uneasy, I should go!" I say.

He grabs my arm and says, "No, no, a whiskey will be sure to fix that."

"I think that is unnecessary, now I think she should be getting home don't you agree?"

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