Blackie doesn't look so happy...

"A, anyways, you two did an amazing job just now!"
"Thanks. It was quite tiring tho"
"Leave us alone"
"... You sure?"
"... Alright. Call me when you want us to continue"
"Blackie, it's good to see-"
"Where have you been?"
"You left for three weeks, without any word to me. Why?"
"... Blackie-"
"Do you even know how worried I was? Of course you don't"
"Blackie, listen-"
"I'm sure you had fun there, didn't you? It seems like you completely forgot about us" *teary*

... She's crying?

"Blackie, please-"
"Are you happy?"
"You left for three weeks without telling me anything, got me worried sick, had a great time, met many girls, saw your family, and then came here as if nothing happened"
"It's not like that-"
"What do you mean it's not like that?! You didn't even send me any message to reassure me that you have arrived safely! Do you even know what I was thinking?! 'What if something happened to him?' 'What if he will never come back?' These were my thoughts!"
"But of course, you didn't care. You enjoyed yourself there and then remembered that you have to come back!"
"Blackie, please listen!"
"Listen to what?! To you telling me how amazing your trip was?! Or that you want to go back?! Then go! You didn't even have to come here in the first place!"
"Let me explain-"
"I don't want to hear it! Go back and become king! And I'm sure you've also found your future bride when you were surrounded by all those girls-"
*pull* *kiss*

... What... what is he...

*badump badump*
*let go*
"Will you listen now?"
"..." *nod*
"Thank you. First thing first, I didn't tell you anything because we had an argument and I left without even thinking about the danger that was waiting for me. Second, I was actually gone for half a day, but the duration between the two dimensions are completely different, that's why it seemed like I was gone for three weeks. Third, I didn't have fun there. I went to warn them about not coming near you ever again. Fourth, I will not go back. And fifth, I wasn't and would never look at any other girl or for a bride. After all, mine is right in front me"

First a kiss, now this... I don't think my heart can handle it.

"Now you understand?"
"... Sorry for the kiss, but I had to do it"

To be honest, I didn't even want to let her go, but one more second and I would've lost control-

"You don't need to apologize. I didn't dislike it-" *gasp*

What did I just say?!

"W, what I meant is that-"
"So you don't mind me doing it again?"
"No- I mean yes- I mean no- I mean-"
*chuckle* "I won't do it again, unless you ask me to"
"... D, don't do it again. And next time you want to leave, you either take me with you, or at least tell me"
"It won't happen again. I promise"
"Now, what about the overworking thing?"
"... I had to. If I want revenge, I can't stay still and do nothing. So I asked Vamp to help me, and he did give me many advices. I'll tell you everything when we get back to the office"
"And you missed many things, so you'll have to work hard"
"As you wish, M'Lady"
"Oh, and one more thing, you should avoid Luka for now"
"Eh? Why?"
"Well, because-"
*turns* "Luka?! What is it?! I just came back-"
"Hmph! You better!" *let go*
"Now that you're back, I can finally let Noah meet the others. Since I stopped time, he couldn't see them"
"Ah. Well, you wanna go there or call them?"
"No need. There's class tomorrow"
"I see"
"Now that I think about it, Yamel will finally come back"
"... Yeah"
"Wait, really?"
*nod* "I left the human world one day after my last session with him. Then we came here, you two left, and when you came back, Eluma left again"
"So basically, it's still Saturday in the human world?"
"This timing thing is so messed up. We should do something about it"
"I know. Unfortunately, it's hard to change it. But I'll think of something later"
*nod* "Deal"
"Alright. I'll call Vamp so that we can continue our training"
"Okay, I'll go rest a little"
"And I'll see where's mom! I want to work on my magic"
"Luka, you started training as well?"
"Yep! I wanna help sis"
"I see. That's good"
"Hehe. Well then, I'm leaving"
"I'll also go. See you"
"See you"
"... Oh my god" *blush*

I can't believe he kissed me... I'm happy

*smile* "I still didn't ask Eluma about his chat with his family though. He went especially for me..."

I'm lucky to have him. But I gotta focus now. I'll call Vamp.


Meanwhile, with Eluma...

*badump badump* "I don't believe what I did"

It wasn't a hug. It wasn't a kiss on the cheek or on the forehead. I literally kissed her on her lips...

"The craziest part is that she didn't dislike it, and she didn't try to stop me either"

I don't get it. She didn't confess, yet she was okay with the kiss...

*blush* "I should stop thinking, for my heart's sake"

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