Dark tribe part 1

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Fucking Trek.

You would never go trekking again.

If only you knew the group would encounter an unexpected pack of wolves on the pathway you could've sworn to never excite yourself with mountains in Korea. Others were as coward and scared as you were. All of them scattered, leaving you to be an easy target.

You gulped when their danger like teeths concealed their low growl and groans. They looked hungry. They were drooling and were obviously dangerous than a rabid dog. You clutched the strap of your waterproof backpack, secured by double layered plastic cover since the weather report claimed the day to be rainy. A foot stepping back you unwillingly distracted them.

A wolf even 'liked' you.

Liked you to an extent it snarled at you. You springed on your feet then ran directionless, away from people, deeper into the woods with the fear for life. You ran and ran until the ground disappeared beneath your feet.

A raw, high pitched scream erupted from the back of your throat as you fell into the river valley.

The moment you fell in water you drowned then fainted, moved with downstream. You didn't knew how to swim nor how to survive in wild.

The only thing you ate was a protein bar in the morning and now your eyelids fluttered shut under the orange hue of sunset.

This was it. This was your end.

Wasn't it?

The wet clay sticking to your face, clothes drenched in water and ache in body could not describe the mental fight you were having over your negative thoughts. The thoughts about never making out of the mountain, never meeting your family was frightening. When you gained conscience you felt horrible. Your ankle seemed strained so you used your elbow and knees to pivot yourself up.

It was a full moon night, helping you to make out rhe outline of the forest led in front of your eyes.

You wanted to go home. You wanted to crawl into your mother's embrace. A few tears rolled down but you wiped them off. It wasn't a time to waste your energy. You had to get out of here. First you need to go to the peak then search the way out without getting killed.

To survive your mind worked ten times sharper. You unzipped your backpack and sighed in relief. This bag, right now, was definitely your personal doremon pocket.

Torch, mobile and tampons stuffed at the bottom. Above it laid a plastic bag full of cigarettes, lighter, medicines, ointments.

When you shoved your hand in it, rather than flashlight your fingertips grazed over sharp dagger your brother had sneakily put there in case you needed to cut veins of tree to build a makeshift tent although you had told him that you'll be staying at resort.

Look at the irony.

Namjoon had to have foresight, doesn't he? You chuckled at your pathetic state. If only you would have gone out and learned some real fighting skills then you had a chance but all you did was scroll through social media. Clips of dance, idols and motivational quotes.


But your father used to teach Taekwondo. You had practiced it until high school. That was seven years ago. Ig you were lucky your muscles might have muscle memory otherwise you'll be a lost case.

You used flashlight to do first aid before putting it in pocket of your cargo pants. You wanted save the batteries as much as you could. You ate another protein bar as you saw the time in phone; 4:00. And there was no signal at all.

Keeping the dagger in your hand you decided to move. Sun would be up in few minutes and you had no patients to share any moment of your life with hungry animals.

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