선배 part 2

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It was awfully dark and silent in living room. "He should be at home," you mumbled before switching on the lights. Everything was again a mess. However, this time you weren't obliged to clean it.

You only had to return it so you went and knocked on his bedroom door. "Sunbae, are you home? I came to deliver your notebook. 선배!!!"

Instead of a reply it was a groan of ache. A pathetic, low voice whimpered," Keep it on table and go home."

" 선배, are you ill?" Your fingers itched to turn the knob and look at his condition. Ironically you had invaded his privacy when he was perfect, now when he was unfit you were debating to enter or not.

"I'm coming in." You announced with determination. Twisting it you opened the door and found the big bunny curled under his blanket with a soaked wipe over his forehead. Quick steps brought you close to him but just when you were about to touch his cheek he moved away.

Yet your hand cupped his jaw and redirected his bloodshot eyes towards you. Touching his face was enough to tell you he had high fever and if it reached his brain then it might become fatal.

To avoid such severe case you decided to return his favour.

"Have you taken pills?"

He hummed lowly.

"Fine, first we will decrease your temperature then feed you food."

After placing bag and notebook near the door of his balcony you went to prepare a bath. You came back and helped him stand. He was so weak that all of his weight shifted on your petite body which hardly walked straight. It was a beeline path to his bathroom where you made him sit at the edge of the tub. His hooded eyes stared at you with an emotion you couldn't understand.

When you held the hem of his polo shirt he grabbed your wrist and whispered," I can look after myself." By time he said that he almost fell back if you hadn't pulled him.

"I can see that," You scoffed. His hands went loose and he let you hold him. Your one hand was holding his forearm meanwhile other was undressing his tshirt. "I won't eat you if that's what you are worried about. And my purpose of meeting you is complete so I won't disturb you afterwards. You'll go your way and I'll be on my own, Sunbae"

You pulled it above his head and again made him stand up. Taking a towel you wrapped it around his waist before pulling his pants down. His boxer was still on when he sat inside the tub and leaned back.

"You slip out of your boxers while I put porridge for you. Okay?"

He gave you a thumbs up before sinking into the water.

When you came back you saw him sleeping in the tub. He was childlike delicate. When you fingers massaged his scalp in foam of shampoo he flinched.

"It's okay, it's fine. Relax." You whispered before caressing his head. After rinsing his head you gave him fresh clothes to change into. Putting him back on bed which had different set of blanket he felt more tidy and conscious.

When you brought porridge he demanded to be fed. That you did. When he was done you gave him pills to engulf and he did that but when you were about to leave he pulled you on bed and put his head in your shoulder, his arms around your waist.

"Are you hot?" You put your hand on his forehead to check his temperature. "I'm always hot." He flirted. Jokes apart, he still had slight fever.

So when he snuggled into the crook of your neck for comfort you let him be regardless of how intimating it was for you. It was making your heart race. You never got so close to any boy or any of your ex while he had full access in the name of fever.

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