Little by Little

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"Leave him." After hearing your thoughts since last three hours that's your best friend's first statement.

Recently everyone around you was repeating the same line. If one speaks a lie 1000 times then it also becomes truth. Now you were actually considering it.

But the kindness in you was deeper than ocean.

"I can't Emily. He needs me."

"Then what about you?" She sipped her coffee. Her acrylic nails looking so like material girl which always suited her. She was oldest and dearest friend with whom you grew up. Both of the families were family friends.

She was a lot like you and had seen you going through some rough paths. She always had your back. The only thing you didn't liked about her was her honesty. She always spoke facts and it was upto the point. Accurate.

She put the mug down and huffed. She said," Don't tell me you're gonna waste your ethereal beauty on a retarded man like him."

"Jungkook is innocent." You tried to defend although it was a hollow statement.

"I know but he can't touch you the way you want in those special nights. He can't beat any guy if they try to harass you," she sighed," I know you love him that's why you have sticked to his side for the last three years but be honest, Y/N, don't you want a life full of happiness? You can fight goons, you can earn and everything, but you can also do it if you're single. What's the point of marriage?"

"Look, stop being ridiculous. I'm happy. I like his cuddles, I like him pouting and acting cute. I can live my life with him."

"Stop feeding lies to your brain. You were a wild party girl, boys begged to sleep with you and now you're stuck in a forced marriage."

As elders say, truth is bitter and you couldn't disagree.

"A time would come when you'll have low bone densities. Regular ache in your body and body deprived of affection. All I am saying is don't regret it in old age. You have time right now. Live with him or without him, no difference. You can still make your name without a man."

She opened her purse and gave you a card. "Call them if your needs aren't being fulfilled, not me!"

She stood up from the chair and walked out to her sports car. You didn't dared to stop her. She was right. You had called her, she was like a free therapist who listened to you, gave you solutions but you didn't took her advice seriously. She was just a good listener.

Nevermind. Your eyes roamed on the card as you slipped it in your own purse and went out after paying bill. Driving back home you entred the grand house where your husband must be carrying his teddy bear in the drawing room. You entred inside and paused after hearing a voice.

"Y/N-ie!" A shrill call of your name snatched your attention to a man cladded in soft, fluffy pajamas and hoodie. He ran to you and beamed," Did you bring my ice cream?"

His sparkling eyes looked back into yours until you shook your head. A sudden hit you got on your head with his soft toy before he pushed you down. He started crying, hiting you with it.

At least it's better than last time when he threw a vase at you. Your once broken arm still hurts.

"Jungkook, you're hurting me." You sobbed and he instantly stopped. A shocked face and he regretted seeing you laying on the floor, curled up. He threw the toy away and threw himself over you, cuddling you on floor with glossy eyes. "I-I'm sorry, Y/N. Don't leave me. Don't leave, please."

You sat up with him still clinging to you. "I won't. Now can you free me." He pulled away with those puffy eyes and red nose. He looked adorable but he couldn't understand your emotions as much as you could.

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