Fixed rebound pt. 1

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He was moaning in your ears, wrapping his arms around your torso as he thrusted faster to chase the climax.

Strong smell of alcohol and his lips lightly sucking your neck was intoxicating. You shouldn't be having sex with him. He's your bestfriend who broke up with his girlfriend a day ago.

Yet he was here to share his pain and misery. He was feeling lonely so he came at your house under the spell of friendship but this skinship accelerated without any intention.

It was not the first time. He gets into a relationship which lasts for an year and then his ex-girlfriends leave him because they were insecure of Jungkook's female fan following. On the other hand, he hardly contact you when he's in relationship, more like you become nonexistent.

But boy oh boy, he always comes back at you when he needs affirmation about his genuine well wishers.

However, that did not explain why he was tightly holding you close while thrusting his way in as if marking you. He always go hard on you, leaves you bruised so you had to take a leave otherwise others would see those dark purple hickeys.

"Mhm~ Emily, I'm close. Ahh~" He gasped when your walls tightened around him. Both of you released and he collapsed beside you.

"I'm Lee Y/N, Jungkook," you looked at him and whispered," your bestfriend not your ex."

If not you then he'd go to others. You love him and seeing him destroying himself as a playboy would break your heart so you let him use you. It might break your heart but at the end of the day if he'll move on you would be happy for him.

But there's a part of you which was selfish. You willingly allowed him to sleep with you even if he was drunk. It wasn't the first time between you two but somehow he always never objected it.

The first time you both had it was in high school. The next day when he knew about it he had no thoughts about it. He said," It's natural to fvck because we have been together since childhood but don't expect me to be your boyfriend."

That was the day when you realised that Jungkook might change his girlfriend but you could never be his number one, you would always be his 'fixed' rebound.

He could change his first but he won't change his second. Never.

After tugging him under the covers you went to clean yourself in bathroom then came back to sleep. Next day you woke first to cook breakfast while he woke up late.

When he came downstairs to eat food he saw your face. It's been six months since he talked to you or spared you any glance but whenever he wants to be held he wanted it to be your arms.

He already refused to believe he loved you because you two fight a lot. Arguments at smallest things and his girlfriends often got jealous of any girl he talked to, therefore, not only you but other girls at the university received a cold shoulder too.

When he becomes a boyfriend he treats his special woman right.

You heard footsteps. Turning around you see him already making his way to the door. Before you could ask him to stay he already left.

Didn't knew why but you felt used, disgusted and idiotic.

How many times would you let him crush your heart Y/N?

Even when you serve it on a platter he would not value it until he lose it. Leave him.

For the first time you agreed with your inner voice. You had enough of it. You weren't a pushover. You had feelings and today he went over the limits.

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