Runaway bride: French kiss pt. 2

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You gently pressed the ice bag on Namjoon's black eye. He hissed in pain before clutching the armrest of the second-hand couch.

You glared at Jungkook who stood in the corner while crossing his arms.

No regret.

However, you were pissed off. How could he attack on your friend who was just here to help you out!

"Why is he staring at me?" Namjoon whispered. You glared at Jungkook. "What did I do? He had to careful before touching my woman."

Before you could correct him Namjoon beat you to it. "She's my friend. Who the heck are you?"

"Her husband."

Your friend's eyes widened before they squinted at you.
"You," he pointed at you," got a spouse?"

"It's a long story. I'll talk to you later." You held onto Namjoon's bicep, guiding him towards the door.

He looked over his shoulder and saw the man glaring at him. Namjoon said,"You better explain before he rips me apart." He finally went out and you retraced your hands.

You said,"I will call you later. Goodbye." When you closed the door a sigh escaped into air.

You whipped around with crossed arms over chest. He scoffed before sitting on the couch. He was possessive and he knew it but won't speak it. You said,"Namjoon was here to check on me."

"I didn't knew, okay? You should've told me." He huffed like an angry child.

'If only you had asked me first,' you muttered before leaving him alone. A cup of coffee was needed to refresh composure. Also, you called Namjoon as promised.

Meanwhile Jungkook straight away sat on your previous seat, looking at you. How could you be so insensitive? He didn't liked to share, not his underwear nor his wife. Both of them were intimate.

After the call with your friend you were relaxed. The guilt of getting your friend getting hurt by a brand new husband was washed off, partially.

When you turned to talk to the elephant in the room, you saw him curled up on couch, asleep. Those parted lips, full cheeks and delicate eyelashes belonged to an infant, residing inside a professional boxer.

Knowing that he ran errands for you must've tired him too. You covered him with a blanket.

"You're such a baby." You caressed his strands, tugging it back.

"Don't call me baby," he mumbled, just under his breath before he got comfortable. He wasn't asleep, not yet.

You chuckled," Still a baby."

At dinner time he woke up. Surprised that you were serving variety of food. "We got drinks?" He asked with doe eyes.

You nodded," Namjoon congratulated us for the alleged wedding. It's his treat as well as an apology for the misunderstanding."

"As he should." Jungkook pouted.

"C'mon, be generous. He ordered home delivery for us, even paid for it. We got samgyeopsal, pizza, cheesecake and of course, champagne."

Jungkook wanted to play hard but his stomach didn't. It grumbled to a point where his cheeks turned red. "Okay, fine," said Jungkook before eating.

After a pleasant dinner you both were drinking near the window, looking at the full moon. The clear night sky was magnificent and under a touch of little alcohol it felt romantic.

The artist in you was absorbing the positive energy and Jungkook's personality was letting go of the negativity. Drinks were drunk until last drop was sucked off, leaving nothing but two hazy minds.

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