Bae: part 1- A journey of decade

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You plucked the grass from the ground while listening, mostly ignoring your best friend's gibberish about his long crush on the popular rich girl.

A round of gasps and giggles erupted in air and you snapped towards the direction. There she was, Lim Suzy. The daughter of a rich Italian father and a korean mother who gives donation to the Institute.

Her pale skin, long eyelashes, naturally tinted lips and formal dressing style which earned praises.

You glanced at Jungkook who was awestruck for her. His jaw was dropped and eyes dreamy as if when he see her everything else doesn't matter.

Then looking at yourself...

Brown pants upon white sneakers. White tee beneath a blue jacket and a hair bun because you woke up late. Sometimes you do wonder, what if you wake up and choose to really dress up? Would your crush really notice you?

It's a lost cause.

You wanted someone to accept the way you were. However, even if it's fake you wanted a certain someone's attention who was the centre of your small world.

Your best friend.

It felt like a crime but it was as natural as it should be. Being around the same person for more than half of the days tends to develop some unintentional infatuation towards them. You wish he, for once, looked at you more than friend.

"Argh! I'm so pissed at myself for being such a coward," he groaned and threw himself back to lean against the bark of the three. "She's so my type but I can't reach out."

You chuckled," It's okay, Jungkook. We're only 18 yrs old. You're not the first one to feel that way."

"Oh come on, Y/N! What do you know about one sided love?"

Your eyes darkened with a flick of something that vanished as soon as it appeared.

"I know no one would look my way. But approach her, you're not that bad. If you'll keep it to yourself then you'll get no one."

He jerked forward then narrowed his eyes at you with that usual playful smile. "Why jealous? That I can get more girls than you?" He swung his arm around you and pulled you close in a headlock.

True, he got those eyes and looks. He often get different party invitations and stuff but he denies as he's shy.

You could barely breath. When tapping his bicep did no change you elbowed him. "I'm not into girls, Jungkook! I'm into.. I don't know." You huffed away.

He caressed his belly before shifting closer and wrapping his arms around you. Putting his chin in the shoulder he showed you those puppy eyes.

"Bae, can't you do me a favor and set your friend with her? She's nice, she'll listen."

He only called you bae when he knew it was a selfish plea. He knew he was making a wish and he wanted his angel to make it real. But did he knew how much broken that angel was?

"How're you so sure? I wander with you. I'm considered as crazy as you. Why would anyone think I'm sane?" You exclaimed.

He said,"Because I know you inside-out."

He was so proud of his statement that he totally underestimated about how wrong he was. If he saw what you hid for him then he was an absolute blind.

Suzy was in the court room for basketball when you approached her. It was perfect because Jungkook was playing soccer in the field. You could have some intimate conversation with her.

"Hey Suzy." You waved at her and she smiled. Going up on the bleachers you sat beside her in the empty hall. "Hi, Y/N. I never knew you would meet me."

"It's not that hard to approach a cousin you know."

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