Much Ado About Nothing

Start from the beginning

Everyone entered with smiles on their faces, shaking hands with Lord Sigurd, greeting you brightly as well. A short silence fell when Loki didn't walk through the doors when his name was called.

"Papa!" Fandral greeting his father with a big hug. "Tis' good to be home!"

"It is good to have you home, son," Sigurd smiled at him, giving him a wink. "And, it is good to have you all here, my dear guests!"

"Thank you, Lord Sigurd," said Thor. "Your hospitality is most appreciated."

"Please," said the lord. "It is an honor."

Fandral turned to you, a happy glint in his eye as he hugged you. "Dearest, cousin!" He greeted.

You tousled his hair like an older sister. "I have missed your blonde mop of a head, Fandral!" You let go from the hug, observing him at arm's length.

"No scratches," you jest. "What a shame."

"Thor does keep him in line," Sif piped up.

"Pity," you replied, smiling at her. "How are you, Sif? The boys giving you any trouble?" You gave her an embrace, holding her hands after parting.

"Not at all," answered Sif. "They know their fate if they cross me." She winked.

You also greeted Thor, Hogun, and Volstagg with a hug and a handshake, matching their strength as much as you can. They were all very happy to arrive and be among old friends after riding for what felt like forever. Just to be able to stand at the main entrance hall and stretch their legs was a treat.

A hush falls over the room when the guards stamped their feet, announcing Loki's presence. You couldn't fight a grimace from creeping up your face when you saw him in all his pompous green and gold attire. Loki narrowed his eyes as soon as he saw you. The others all internally groaned when they saw your exchange of looks.

"My dear, Lady Disdain," greeted Loki in a cool tone, his hands clasped behind his back. "How lovely it is to see you."

He had the fakest smile on his face as he uttered those words.

"I couldn't say the same," you said sharply.


"I'd rather have poison be dripped on my open wounds before I could be charmed by you."

"You strike well, my lady," admitted Loki. "Not well enough to be significant in my eyes, though."

"Tell me, Prince Loki, has court life treated you well?" You asked while slowly walking towards him, knowing well that it hasn't and it never will.

"Better than you have treated yourself."

"Is that so? Because, you look unwell, my prince. Do you look after yourself? Your skin has grown far too pale, it's as if even the Sun has deprived you of attention."

Fandral hurriedly pulled you by the arm away from Loki. "Alright, alright! That's enough, cousin. We are... uh- all aware of your amusing battle of wits with Loki."

"'Tis no battle, Fandral," said Loki, adding fuel into the fire. "When I could win so easily against your dear cousin."

You stared at Fandral with anger in your eyes. If he hadn't known you, he would be positively terrified and let you go. But, he didn't and he wouldn't. Not until your head was cool.

"Fandral, I swear by all the stars-"

He cut you off.

"Friends! -and father! I have an announcement to make!" Fandral said theatrically, spreading his arms wide as he took to the center of the room. "I am to be married!"

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