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Elias shrugged, "Does it matter?"

"Humor us," Captain Hook said.

"Elias, you don't have to answer them," Emma told her brother.

Elias just clenched his jaw, before letting out a sigh, "Yes. Okay? I was in love, so of course, I was considering it. As usual, she wasn't who she said she was and I got my heart broken," he folded his arms over his chest, looking directly at the pirate, "Enough humor for you?"

"Don't take this the wrong way, but I'm glad to hear that," Captain Hook said.

"You're glad to hear I had my heart broken?" Elias questioned.

"If it can be broken, it means it still works," Athena told him.

After a moment, Elias just turned around and walked on, with the rest of the group following behind him. Climbing up a hill, they stopped in front of a white farmhouse, "A farmhouse?" Nadia questioned.

"You have to appreciate the irony," Elias said and they walked on.


Elsewhere in the woods, David examined a holly berry bush, completely unaware of the hooded figure that was following him. A wave of uneasiness spread through David, making him look around the surrounding trees several times. Briefly, the hooded figure watched him, before giving up their cover from behind a tree.

David pulled out his cellphone, dialing his son's number and putting it to his ear, still keeping an eye on the figure, but it went straight to voicemail, "You've reached Elias Swan of Big Apple Bail Bonds. Leave a message and I'll call you back."

"Elias, it's David, I'm at the trail head. And, I think I've found her, the Wicked Witch. I'm going after her," He said, before ending the call and carefully began to sneak closer to the hooded figure.

Flashback - One Year Ago

Athena walked from the Dark Palace to the stables, where she entered and looked around, "David?" She called out, confused that she hadn't seen him all day, "David!" continuing to look around, "Where are you, Dave?"

"You call him Dave?" startled, Athena turned with a gasp, only to see Robin stood there, "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you."

Athena placed a hand on her chest as she took in a deep breath, "It's okay," she shook her head, lightly, trying to compose herself, "Have you seen David anywhere?" She asked him.

"I have actually," Robin answered.

"Great. Where is he?" Athena asked.

"I have a feeling he wouldn't want me to tell you," Robin told her.

Athena looked at him confused, "Why?" he remained silent and she just walked closer to him, "Robin, what aren't you telling me? Where is he?"

"A journey," Robin just said, calmly.

"Is he in trouble? Does he need help?" the thief just remained silent, causing her worry for her brother to grow, "Robin, tell me," he just shook his head and she suddenly, pushed on his chest, but he remained in his place, "Tell me, dammit!" Athena said as her eyes glassed over, and she hit him again.

"Darling..." as she went to hit him again, Robin grabbed her wrists, stopping her, "Look at me," she kept her eyes down, refusing to do so, "Athena, look at me," finally giving in, she looked up at him, "I may have just met your brother, but I know one thing. He's a fighter."

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