Chapter 8

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I was surprised to see Chay in the middle of our fight. It was obvious, he was scared, but still manage to help me. He stopped a guy from hitting me in the head from behind.

He is not strong enough to hold him back. He was struggling with the guy. So, I punched him in his gut. He fell on the ground.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I—I heard l-loud noises. S-so, I came to check." He said with shaky voice.

Suddenly his eyes grew wider and pushed me aside. A guy came from behind and hit Chay in the face. That punch was meant for me, but Chay got in the way.

"CHAY!!!" I screamed as I saw him fall on the ground.

That sight made me angry. My head was exploding and body shaking with rage. I got up and lunged at him hitting that guy senselessly. I couldn't hear noises from my surrounding. I was going at him repeatedly.

When Chay caught my hand, I came back to my senses. He pleaded me to let go of him. I saw guards coming towards us. I held Chay's hand and started running. Dew was screaming behind us as Mike and Krit carried him.

We end up in parking lot. Chay said he would drive. But I insisted to drive as he was hurt. We started arguing and Dew screamed at us to take him to hospital. Chay gave up. I drove us to hospital.

Dew was being treated in another room beside us. We could hear his screams every few seconds. Nurse was treating Chay. He hissed every time nurse would touch his wound.

Does it hurt a lot? I should have broken that guy's hand.

What was he thinking? What if something had happened to him?

Nurse was done with him Chay. Then she asked me to sit down. I didn't want to. I only have some scratches. It was nothing serious.

Honestly, I don't want her to touch me. I only let Dr. Tops touch me as I used to have crush on him.

Chay asked nurse, if he could help me. She said yes and left. I didn't move from my place, but Chay's intense gaze broke me. I sat down and let him clean my knuckles.

"Chay, it was really stupid of you to get involved in fight." I said staring at his face. He paused and looked into my eyes.

"And you think, you are some kind of genius?"

"I know how to fight. I can defend myself. What about you?"

He didn't say anything and continued cleaning my wound. He knew I got point. I asked him the question that was going through my mind.

"Why—why did you helped me?"

He signed.

"Because we are family. Even though we are divided into two parts. We are connected in a way. And I care about you just like I care about main family members."

I don't know why, but I didn't like his answer. Him mentioning main family and putting me in same category as them. I didn't like it.

I was expecting something more, something different.

Was he expecting us to brothers? I don't want to be his brother. That thought made me uncomfortable.

"But I don't consider a person from main family as my family. They never cared about us. They killed my father and hurt my brother. He ended up in hospital for several days. Do you even know how nerve-racking it was for me to wait for my brother to wake up from a coma. I didn't even know if he was going to wake up at all.... Because of them my life became miserable. I hate them. I hate them all." I said and got up to leave. I was holding the door knob, when I heard him say.

"Does that mean you hate me as well?" I stayed quiet. I don't know what to say. I opened the door and left.

I booked a cab for me, Kao and Mike. I sent them home first and went back to dorm.

I am regretting saying those things to him. I don't hate him. I was just frustrated. I was having bad day and it was not his fault. When he compared me to those b*st*rds, it pissed me off. Main family was never fair to us. Even as kids they were mean to me and hia.

Maybe I was just mad at the situation. My father died and hia was in comma. I had meltdown back then. I was on edge every single day. On top of that Uncle Korn made Porsche leader of second family. That position belongs to my brother.

I couldn't take out this frustration on anyone at that time. But I did it today. I know Chay didn't deserved that. He is the only innocent person in our family. I shouldn't have rambled all those things to Chay. I don't want him to stop talking to me.

The first time I met him in the college. He looked like a lost child. At first, I thought he was putting on an act. So, I kept my eyes on him. But then slowly I realized, he is stupid and naive. He doesn't understand anything. He is way too good for this mafia world.

I am a complete idiot to explode on him like that. He helped me and I treated him like a shit.

As I was about to open the door of my room, I saw a bag hanging the door knob. I opened it. There was first aid and energy drink inside.

I closed my eyes and took deep breath. No doubt, it's from Chay.

How can he still care about me? when I acted like an a** to him?

"What do I do with you Chay?"

All I Need Is Love (Macau & Porschay)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang