Chapter 21

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I am an idiot to come here in such a bad weather. I covered my ears and squat down. My heart was pounding rapidly due to fear. I felt dizzy and my vision became blur. The fear was taking over my body. I rocked back and forth on my feet with trembling hands covering my ears to block the thundering sound and to calm myself down. I feel so lonely in this moment.

Does anyone know, I am stuck here?

Is anyone looking for me?

Will they come to find me?

It feels like I am going to be stuck here forever. No one will come to find me. Each passing second felt like an hour.

I am scared.

Lost within my thoughts I didn't hear anybody walking towards me. My senses were consumed by the fear.

Suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped around me. I open my eyes to see a black figure just like in my dreams. I panicked and pushed that figure away screaming.


"No, get away from me!!!"

"Chay, listen to me..."

I was not in state to listen to anybody. I kept screaming and pushing that figure away.

He held me from my biceps tightly and jerked me forward screaming "Chay!!! It's me Macau!!!"

Startled, I opened my eyes and stared at him with big wide eyes. The emitting light from the flash of his phone help me look at his face clearly. Tears formed on the edge of my eyes and my chin trembled. I lunged forward and hugged him tightly. My emotions flooded and I started sobbing in his arms. I can't believe he came for me in such terrible weather. His clothes were soaked, but his body was radiating warmth to me.

"Shhh...Calm down." He said caressing my head.

After a while he started to let me go, but I held on to him tightly. I was afraid, if I let him go, he will disappear. Him being here is just a fragment of my imagination.

"Hey... It's ok. I am here. I am not going anywhere." He assured me sensing my fear. His voice was soothing. It helped me come down a little. I let him go slowly and my sobbing reduced to whimper. He checked my body from head to toe.

"Are you hurt?" He asked with worried voice.

"N-No." I stutter.

"Are you sure?"


Macau picked up his phone from the ground and made a call.

"Hey, I found him. You guys go back. I will bring him with me."

He listens to the person on the other end.

"Yes, we will. Don't worry." He said and disconnected the call. He sat down beside me wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulling me closer. He rubbed his hand up and down on my arm creating little bit of heat to keep my body warm. At this point we both are extremely cold, specially him because of his damp clothes. The blowing wind was not making it easier for him. I scoot closer to him and put my head on his shoulder. He rested his is head on mine. We waited for rain to stop.

Thereafter, the rain stopped, but thundering continued. We got up and started walking towards our hotel. We walked faster before it starts raining again.

When we reach the hotel, our friends were waiting for us. They had worried look on their faces. They bombarded us with questions which Macau answer for us. He said, let's talk tomorrow and then we went to our room.

All I Need Is Love (Macau & Porschay)Where stories live. Discover now