Chapter 18

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We woke up early and got ready to go to meeting point of our trip. We decided to take only one car. I knew we won't be able to have breakfast. So, I made simple sandwich for us.

"Krit, take this." I said handing a sandwich to him.

"Oh, Thanks. You made this?"


Macau was driving us to pick up Mike and Dew.

"Macau, your sandwich." I said holding it in front of him.

"Can't you see. I am driving. Feed me."


"Do you want me to drive and eat at same time?"


I picked up sandwich and bring it close to his mouth. He took a bite.

"Hm... Not bad. I thought, it won't be edible."

"That's enough for you." I said putting sandwich back in box.

"Hey Hey...! Give me more. I am hungry."

I glare at him, but still fed him.

Macau stopped in front of Dew's house. Mike stayed at Dew's house so that Macau don't have to drive in opposite direction. I handed them their sandwich.

"Let's gooo!!! I couldn't sleep last night due to excitement. We are going to have so much fun!!! Dew said excited.

"Mike, do you have a remote? Krit asked

"What remote?" Mike said confused.

"A remote to turn off this b*stard. It's morning and he is already being so annoying." Krit hissed at Dew.

Dew smirked.

"Too bad. You have to listen to my nonsense for long time. Until we get to mountain. And I will sit beside you in the bus to make sure you have no fun" Dew said

"Don't you dare sit beside me!!"

Mike interrupted them, who was sitting between them.

"Ok, enough both of you. The trip hasn't even started yet, but both of you have."

Before there bickering became more intense, we reach our college and Macau parked his car. Ford was standing near the bus with his luggage. As soon as he saw us coming, he smiled. After the incident he kept his distance between us, but he texted me to check, if I was ok. I looked at Macau to check his reaction. He had blank expression on his face. He didn't look angry, but I knew he wasn't happy with Ford's presence.

"Hey, you are early." Krit said.

"Yeah. Did you pack everything?" Ford said.

"Yes, I did. Do you think I am careless?"

"You are forgetful. Don't come running to me if you need anything."

Krit glared at him with his hands in front of his chest and Ford has playful smile on his face.

"I won't." Krit said stomping and turned away from him.

"Awww... I am kidding." Ford said pinching his cheeks.

Ford look at Krit with tenderness and admiration. I have noticed it before as well. I wonder if there is something between them.

Ford smiled and nod at me and turned to Macau, who was standing beside me with stoic face.

"I am not going to apologise to you, but I hope we can be civil with each other and not ruin everyone's fun." Ford said.

Macau didn't respond immediately. He gazed at me and the said "Sure, whatever."

All I Need Is Love (Macau & Porschay)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin