Chapter 23

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Ever since, I started working beside Kinn. I don't have much free time. I feel overwhelmed with the load of going to meetings, paper work, site visits. Kinn still take care of illegal business. He tries to keep me out of dangerous business. He says if he knows that I am safe, then he will be able to work efficiently without any worry. Whenever I go out, I am surrounded by bunch of bodyguards. He had assigned more than four bodyguards to company me. Sometime, Its difficult for me to breath.

I am learning to take care of legal business. It's been more than one year. I am still struggling. It's hard to remember how many businesses Theerapanyakul family has.

I can blame no one but myself. I left bodyguard job and wanted to stay by Kinn's side. It comes with price and responsibility. Kinn said that I don't need to do anything. He will take care of me and my brother. But how can I not do anything. I don't want to seems like a free loader.

I had to learn English language and go to etiquette classes. That is fair. I had bad mouth and use foul language. You can't behave like that while dealing with a client. I also had to control my temper and put fake smile on my face. It's exhausting. Because of all this, I can't spend much time with Chay. I am always worried, how he is doing? Is he eating properly? Does he have any problem that he is hiding from me?

When I started working as bodyguard, everything was ok at first then he became more silent and reserve. He was nice, calm and happy. But slowly his cheerful demeanor fades away. I tried to ask him multiple times, but he said everything is fine. I didn't believe him one bit. Is it because, I brought him in Theerapanyakul Mansion? Is he angry with me? is he upset that we don't live in our home?

But he is close to Khun Nu and nice to Kinn and Khun Korn. He never complained and that's worries me the most. Him not expressing his feeling and opinions. Keeping everything inside and suffocate himself.


"Khun Porsche..."

"Khun Porsche!!!" Someone exclaimed loudly.

"Hu??" I responded breaking my chain of thoughts.

I was so deep in my thought that I didn't realize a bodyguard was standing in front of me.


"Khun, I brought the report on Khun Porschay."

Kinn entered the room and came to sit beside me putting his arm around my shoulder.

"Yes, go ahead and tell me."

"Yesterday, Khun Porschay came back from his trip and today he went to college."

I have put some bodyguard to keep watch on Chay. To make sure he is ok. I haven't told him about it. I don't want him to think that he can't have normal life anymore. At first, I was going to send only one bodyguard, but when I heard Macau is also in same college as Chay and living in same dorm. I sent two bodyguard.

"Anything unusual happen there?"

"No, sir."

"What about Macau? Has he been doing anything suspicious?"

"No sir. Nothing suspicious. He just hangs out with his friends, go to gym, sometimes bar or pub and university and mind his own business most of the time."

"Is he bothering Chay or try to get close to him?"

"He doesn't seem to bother Khun Porschay. It seems like they are friends."

That bothered me. I don't want Macau to get close to Chay. I am worried Vegas asked Macau to fu*k with him. We are fine right now, but I still don't trust Vegas. I can't ask Chay to stop hanging out with Macau. I doesn't want him to feel like I am trying to control him.

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