Chapter 40: Moment

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One Year Later...

It's been one month since I woke up from a coma. I don't know what happened after I fell from somewhere high and gladly, I'm still alive. I have heard the news that Alviana already left me. I don't know what the reason was but I don't want to know it. I poured the concoction of a juice I made by myself into a glass. Frequent sips were done before I looked out the window. The scenery was magnificent, a view that made me think of Lianne and Alviana.

I wonder how they're doing right now... if they were comfortable above or not. I missed them-our bonds, their laughs, and the smiles. If they are indeed in a state of comfortable feeling, I would badly want to experience it again with them.

"Hey, guys. I don't know if you can hear me from up there." I said as I looked up to the beautiful movement of the clouds in the sky.

"In our next life, I hope to see you again." I paused. I felt my chest tightening, the familiar heavy feeling enveloping my heart. It felt as if there was something in my throat I couldn't quite explain. I inhaled no air.

I rested my elbow on the window and breathed in the cool breeze. The tears burst out like a broken water dam, realizing what color I am seeing as I continue to survey my view. I gently wiped it with my hands and looked around the room.

My eyes caught a frame, it's our trio picture. At that time, Alviana's hair was kinda short but it fit her. That picture was taken in her room and I can still remember their silly moments.

I never expected what happened a year ago. They risked their lives for me to survive. I owe my life to them for saving me. I can't imagine that Dr. Sinclair managed to assassinate my friends in front of me. On that day, I found out that she's my freaking mom. I can't imagine it.

I wanted Lianne and Alviana's family to blame me for their death because I'm feeling guilty. I lose them just like how I lose my father.

"It's still fresh." I murmured while staring at their frames on my bed-side table. Now, I have nothing to talk to, I've lost everybody who loves me.

I looked at my phone when it rang. It was Zarin, one of my classmates that I almost lost too when he tried to protect me from those bullets.

"Yeah?" I uttered after accepting his call.

"Aren't you informed about the formal greetings when accepting calls?" He joked that it made me roll my eyes.

"No, just tell me what you need? Stop wasting my time on shits." I irritatedly said, my ears can hear his soft giggles from the phone.

"You've changed a lot. By the way, don't be late kiddo." He said from the other line.

"Yeah, thanks." I said and ended the call. I don't have the energy to talk with people, that's why I didn't go to school for 1 week. I wanted to rest and heal for now.

My phone vibrates but I didn't bother to check it out. When I lose Lianne and Alviana, I also lose myself. Every night, I think of them. I am just waiting for my death. I want to go with them; end this life but they made me promise one thing.

I looked above the ceiling when my tears started to fall down. It was my first time hearing Alviana saying those three magical words to me. If this is going to happen again, I don't know what to do. I can't see people die because of me.

"This is me praying that,
This was the very first page,
Not where the story line ends.
My thoughts will echo your name,
Until I see you again." I sighed deeply when I heard the song my neighbor was playing. I really wish this was the very first page and not where the story line ends. I hope so.

Because without them, I feel broke like half. Without them, it seems that I've got no hand to hold and feel torn. I just yearn for this to be a nightmare that someone would awaken me. Maybe in my next life, I could meet them and bond like before.

I can't help myself but to be emotional. If I tried to fight these feelings, the more stressed and depressed I would be. I don't understand why it happened to me, I just asked for strength and love.

I don't want to go home for now, so I wanted to rest in the hotel room. Whenever I'm home, I feel uncomfortable. I'm on the 26th floor of the hotel and I don't even care if this building will fall someday, joke.

I felt bad for them, they aren't able to graduate and work on their dreams because of that stupid trip. It's true, you will never understand a person's pain until you are in it. Sometimes, I don't want to hope for goods. My phone rang again, it was a message from Samantha. One of my classmates didn't join the trip because she was busy at that time. She's lucky.

"Yeah?" I asked after answering the call. I heard her deep sigh, showing that she was uncomfortable with my response.

"What do you need?" I asked her but she stayed silent.

"Um, Are you going to the promotion party tonight?" She asked.

"No." I said and ended the call. I don't want to hear why after what I have said.

It's getting dark outside and soon the party will start. I laid my body on the bed and glanced at the ceiling. I hold the bracelets that Lianne and Alviana gave me a long time ago. I closed my eyes while still holding those bracelets in my wrist.

"I hope to see you again guys; even in my dreams." I whispered.

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