Chapter 38: Escape?

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"Y/n." I can hear her soft voice after they finally open the door.

Zarin immediately went and cut the rope tied to my hand and foot. Alviana immediately hugged me, her tears started to fall on my skin causing me to rub her back.

"How did you get out?" I asked them after I broke the hug.

"Did they hurt you? Did someone hurt you?" Zarin asked me worriedly and I only shook my head in response.

The building started to shake violently causing us to sit on the floor but immediately stood up to leave the room. My body went weak again when I saw Lianne's lifeless body. The chemicals are also flowing and almost at our feet.

The smell is nauseating. I have never smelled such a foul smell in my entire life. I took the knife that was in my shoe to serve as my defense against any creature that might attack.

I was alerted because Zarin threw a gun at me. I hope he at least let me know that he was going to dump me. I was upset because of what he did. I on the gun and hid the knife in my jacket.

We started to walk the way to the stairs. When we got to the bottom we were thrown back in shock when the bloodied body of one of the scientists fell. We approached it to check but I told them not to lower their weapons.

"Why is it so dark here? Isn't there a light on this floor?" Mia asked while still standing.

"PhD Lenie Rogers. He seems to be in a high position. He gives off a strange aura around him, it's like darkness." Zarin said after he wiped the blood on the scientist's name tag with his left hand.

"What do you think is the reason?" I asked him causing them to turn to me and focus the flashlight on my face.

"Put that thing down." I scolded at rolled my eyes.

We heard a scream but I knew it wasn't man made because it's echoing. The group was alerted by that so I immediately took the flashlight and put it on my gun and pointed it where my eyes were looking. I rolled my eyes as I moved my hands to see whoever was trying to scare us.

My flashlight caught a black posture of a creature but it immediately disappeared like a bubble. I heard scratching from far and high up on this floor so I raised my gun to look for it.

"What tf is this entity?" Alviana screamed that made us look at her direction. She was holding her gun while her hands are trembling.

"Isn't it a monster?" Mia guessed.

"Scientists seem to have done that. He's so big!" I said.

I was shaken by what I saw. Muscular, sharp teeth, and he looks like a mix of red and green. His head is like a wolf but his body is human, and his feet seem to be made of steel. His blood-like and thick saliva dripped onto the floor. He smelled bad, like he hadn't bathed in a hundred years and came from the garbage.

"What the fuck is that damn creature?!" Zarin said nervously.

I was shocked when I heard a very heavy foot behind me causing me to face it. I took a step back because he wasn't alone, there were three of them. I don't know if it will be bulletproof or not, these whore scientists have actually created something that will kill us.

I don't know how we can escape it, the weight of the problem. I feel like I just want to jump off the building to get it right away. I almost choked when Zarin suddenly pulled me with my clothes. I know it's dangerous on that floor and we have to get down. We stopped when we heard Mia's scream, Almia was about to come back but I pulled her back to us.

"We have to go." I promised him determinedly before I tightened my grip on the gun.

"But- No buts, it's either we will all die or escape from here." Mariane interrupted what Almia had to say. She was forced to nod and follow us. I know she is afraid of her death.

"Well, well. Where do you think you're doing?" A man asked us while clapping. Is he losing his mind? There is no party or program to applaud.

"Hell? Just let us go." Zarin uttered irritatedly and pointed his gun towards the man.

"Oh yeah? No." His powerful words made me roll my eyes.

"Don't move or I'll shut your ass down!" Zarin threatened.

"Are you curious about Iviana's death?" He said and grinned. How tf did he knew about that?

"Well, let me tell you a story." Saying this is a reason to get my attention.

"Wait." I stopped Zarin because he seemed to be planning to shoot the man.

"I was one of the witnesses of the relationship that was widespread in the entire villa then. The rumors about the house standing in the middle of the woods are true. Nothing too much and nothing too little." He began.

"Anyone who tries to enter a house that has been abandoned for a long time dies immediately. No one survives and luckily you did." He let out a crazy smile after that.

"Since Iviana turned 18 and Sheryll turned 20, people began to fear the siblings. The aura they both emit is dark and heavy whenever they are together. They say the brothers worshiped the devil but that is not true. The Rosario family has been cursed for a long time." He continued again while playing with his knife in his hand.

I was surprised when he threw it in my direction, fortunately I was able to avoid it but unfortunately it hit Almia's forehead. I was worried and more alert, we don't know this person. The information he conveys to us may be incorrect. My attention was still focused on him and never took off.

"And that's where the terrors begin." He uttered.

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