Chapter 34: Liquids

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As I found myself once again confined within that dimly lit room, an unsettling sense of déjà vu settled in. The air seemed heavy with unspoken secrets, and my curiosity pulsed alongside the rhythmic hum of the laboratory machinery. In hushed whispers, the scientists conversed, their words muffled by the thick metal door separating us. What could they possibly be concocting this time?

"Hurry up!" I heard a manly voice, it was Dr. Homes companion.

Time seemed to linger as I peered through the big rectangular window, my eyes fixated on the colorful dance unfolding before me. With a practiced precision, the scientists poured an eerie crimson liquid onto the vibrant green substance, creating an enchanting yet enigmatic reaction. The mingling of these two fluids held an inexplicable allure-an unspoken promise of hidden knowledge and untold power.

As the red liquid mingled with the green, my mind swirled with tantalizing questions. What did these scientists hope to achieve? Was this some clandestine experiment, designed to unlock a secret world that lay beyond our comprehension? Are they trying to unlock the new pandemic? Or perhaps, a forbidden elixir capable of granting forbidden desires, lurking just beneath the surface?

The laboratory, with its mystifying concoctions and veiled intentions, became a web of riddles begging to be unraveled. Each glass vial held the possibility of revelation, yet also served as a reminder of the unfathomable depths of our unknown existence. What secrets lay beyond the confines of this room, guarded by curious minds and locked doors?

As I am tied up and seated on the chair, caught between intrigue and trepidation, a single question reverberated through my thoughts: What mysteries and wonders awaited those who dared delve into the hidden recesses of this clandestine laboratory?

One of the scientist carefully shakes the erlenmeyer flask to gradually mix up the chemicals. The yellow and the red liquid that looks like blood turned into orange. What are those chemicals' name? What will happen if humans consume them? What are the positive and negative possibilities going to happen? What are the good and negative effects of those chemicals?

The scientists poured a white powder inside the erlenmeyer flask where the chemicals had been mixed together. Why are they pouring those powders inside the flask? What will happen if they already mixed it together? What are those powder?

My eyes narrowed as I watched them do their experiments. I'm intrigued by what they do and I can hardly take my eyes off because I feel like I'll be missing out on information if I do.

I need to figure out a way to get out of this room while they are focused on what they are doing. I tried to remove the rope tied to my hands. I find it difficult to reach and remove it also because of its thickness and tightness. My hands are shaking but I won't give up because I have to escape from this.

I need to find my other companions so we can get out of here together. When I felt it loosen, I took the risk to get out of the bind. I heard footsteps approaching and I was sure it was going to the room I was in. I immediately grabbed the rope and hid it by clenching my fist.

Dr. Homes entered the room with a smile on his face. What's on his mind?

"What?" I catechized while my eyebrows are still in swell. He beamed before retorting that made me blench.

"It's good on you." He aforementioned that made me rolled my eyes at him.

"What are you trying to contemplate?" I inquired he just grinned and leave the room instead of answering.

I sough afteer he leaves without an answer. I continue to untie the rope while looking on the laboratory throught the window. I makes sure that they wouldn't notice my movements that would lead them to think I was suspicious.

"Ah, why is this so difficult to remove?!" I am aggrevated right now because of this.

One of the scientist looked at me, he seems noticed my irritation. I didn't move and pretended that I am looking forward of what he is trying to achieve. He looked back on his work that made me sigh in relief. My nails is too short to take off this tie. What kind of rope is this?

I tried everything I could to unfasten this but it's quite augean. It's too laborious that almost makes me feel hopeless but I still have to go on. I remembered the knife inside my shoe. But how can I get it? My hands and feet are too far apart and I might turn into a slenderman if I ever try it.

What else can I do to escape this? People inside the laboratory are very sensitive. No one will benefit if I scream and shout here, even if I go crazy, no one will help me because we are all locked up here and almost monitored.

I'm annoyed because I can't remove the tie from my hand. Just one more time and I'll be able to get out, but I still don't want to. What the hell is this? It's like heaven punished me for doing such a dumbass thing. I don't know what to do right now.

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