Chapter 9: A Warning Whisper

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My eyes went emotionless as I don't want them to read what I am thinking. I stayed standing and looking at the shadow behind Zarin and Fred's back. The shadow might be the one who killed them.

"Hey, out of the world again?" Alviana patted my shoulder when she noticed I was dumbfounded.

"What do you need?" I calmly asked her, she smiled and hugged me. She loves to express her feelings using physical touch.

"Professor, looks like... You are not telling us something we need to know." Giselle said she never failed to take our attention.

"Oh." Prof. John said in realization. We are waiting for him to start, he cleared his throat before speaking up.

"You already know the history of this house, right?" He asked to confirm, we nodded our heads to him.

"I'll tell you something, it is the most important thing." He paused and looked at us before he continued.

"Before the Rosario Family generation ended, they revealed the biggest secret their family has been hiding. They confirmed the rumor that in the year 1998 said to be, 'Lost daughter' of them and it is still unknown who it was." Professor revealed. It doesn't sound so interesting.

"But, I thought their generation ended before 19s came?" Klay asked.

"Exactly, it is said to be rumors that time." Professor John responded. I think Professor John's favorite word is rumors or is it really rumors?

"Rumors, again." I heard Shane mumbled. The more he talks about rumors, the more I become uninterested. I remembered the cabinets in the underground. I wanted to find something that would satisfy me but we can't leave Professor John here because he might be the next target.

I heard something fall on the floor. I took a look and it startled me when I saw Sofia's body lying on the floor. Blood was seeping from her neck. Her eyes are gone and chin was slightly open. Lianne and Shane looked back and were too stunned to speak after witnessing another death of our classmate.

"What happened?" The Professor asked and I realized I had been staring at her for a long time.

"Sofia had deceased." I replied and my ears can hear their gasps. The blood comes out of Sofia's mouth, her blood is dark red and almost looks like she was poisoned.

"Oh gosh." I heard Zarin whispered after he took a look at sofia lying on the floor lifeless. Even if we gather to be strong, they still attack us. I checked the time, it's already 12pm. We didn't eat breakfast and I heard my stomach shouting she was hungry.

The boys covered her and asked for the others to accompany them. Prof. John and others decided to prepare food for our lunch. We went to the kitchen and started to prepare everything for us to eat early and before it passed 1 in the afternoon.

Minutes later, others came back and helped us in preparing the dining table and food. When everything is settled, we sit down and start to eat. I really missed my home and am already regretting joining this trip. I can smell the candles and flowers from somewhere else and I guess Giselle also senses it.

I hurriedly finished my food and stood up to wash them. I heard someone whispering to me again and can't even understand it.

"Get out of here, she's evil!" I heard a voice coming from the living room, my heart started to pound fast and the nervousness I felt came back. I heard the footsteps together with chains on the floor that kept on moving. It's coming down, the giggles of the kids can be heard somewhere in the house and I don't know if I am only hallucinating or not.

I started to hear someone crying in pain and laughing evilly, those laughs creeps me out that made me scream in horror. I am not hallucinating because I kept on hearing them. I was startled by Giselle's presence as she appeared out of nowhere.

"Are you okay?" She asked me. I felt the blood go out of my body when she just appeared.

"Not that good." I replied after recovering from shock.

"The one who refuses to see her face will die." I remembered those lines from my mother. It can be a reason for their deaths but she didn't mention who it was.  My heart can feel that Iviana's heart is pure but the thing that kept me interested in her was her death.

"I don't feel like it's safe in the living room anymore." I uttered that it made them look at me.

"How can you say so?" Aleya asked me.

"Remember what happened to them lately?" I remind and gladly they got my point.

"Where are we going to stay then?" Miya asked and I shrugged my shoulders. 

"It is also not safe if we stay here." Giselle said. I yawned, my eyes are getting tired and wanted to close it. 

"Why can't we just go out and slept on the bus?" Michael said, it wasn't a bad idea either.

"We need to pack some foods that are enough for days." I suggested.

"Guys, I am not so sure about this idea." Reya said while trembling in fear. We do not have any safe place in this house and we need to get out of here as soon as possible. We can not also leave those bodies here but for now we have to survive before we get killed here. 

"Unless if you want to die right now inside of the house." Arean replied to her after packing the food she took out from the cabinet. We can't get out through the living room and I am so sure that they are waiting for us to come. 

"How can we supposed to escape in this situation then?" Zarin asked us, I looked at him and the others to see if they are going to reply with a good idea.

"We can escape through the window, here." Professor John said and opened the window near to him. We decided not to escape one by one but three by three and also needed to accompany others in getting theirselves down on the ground. I don't think that I have much time to explore and find out about Iviana's death but if I can, I will.

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