Chapter 8: Mariane's Lost

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"No one is going upstairs. It's dangerous." Giselle said, I know that she senses some danger before it happens. Everyone followed and trusted her, I agree to her since we are sleeping alone in our rooms.

Those souls might haunts us like what they did to Shane and to me. I almost died because of nervousness and fear. Those merciless dead souls. I realized that I have my phone in my pocket and decided to take it out.

As soon as my phone was faced on my face, I saw someone wearing white t-shirt and pants, his t-shirt was stained by blood. I immediately look at it but there was nothing. Goosebumps when I felt a cold breath on the back of my neck.

I looked at it hoping that it was just my friends pranking me but it was my biggest mistake. I screamed in horror after seeing his pale skin and burned-cracked face. I covered and closed my eyes so tight, I am sure that I startled Prof. John and others.

"What's happening to you?" Shane asked me out of curiosity.

"There's something in front of me that creeps me out." I replied in fear.

"Wasn't he had pale skin and burned-cracked face?" Giselle asked me, I nodded at her slightly opening my eyes to see her reactions.

"Take your hands off, he's not here anymore." Giselle added and I decided to follow it.

"You have to control your fears. The more you show them your fears, the more likely use it to make you weak." Giselle spoke up and as a response, I smiled and thanked her.

I checked the time and it's already 11:30 in the evening and some of us are still awake. Giselle and Fred decided to stay up all night to watch the surroundings. I didn't doubt to trust Giselle because I believe that she can do it and well known in our classroom as the braviest.


I saw Lianne's face in front of me. I sat down properly and rubbed my eyes while yawning. I checked my watch to see what time is it. It's already 9 in the morning and some of us are still asleep. I got 10 hours of sleep but still feeling that I didn't get enough. I saw Giselle and Fred are wide awake and now I consider them as night owls.

I thanked God that my hair is not messy. I decided to open the curtains to let the sun passed through the window. I couldn't believe that I survived for 3 days here feeling warm. I looked around them, then suddenly realizing Arrianne as not there.

"Lianne, have you seen, Arrianne?" She shrugged her shoulder as an answer to my question. Where  in the world did she go? I was stunned to see a body falling from the second floor. It musn't be her, Oh my gash.

"H-Help." It was Arrianne's cracked voice. I stood up and went to her and found a knife on her back. She is fighting to survive and I witnessed her tears falling from her beautiful eyes.

"Y/n, h-help me." She plead and started to vomit blood. I called out Giselle and Fred for help. Fred instantly took out the knife from her back and ripped his shirt to put t on her back to help it stop bleeding.

"Y-Yannie?" A weak voice from her best friend Mariane appeared. Arrianne kept on vomitting blood that makes us think she won't definitely survive this situation. I don't want to hear and witness another death of my classmate. I don't want to see them suffering and fighting for survival.

I walked away from Arrianne who's dying right now. I heard Mariane screamed in pain, seems that Arianne already passed out.

"Who killed her?" She asked while her tears kept on falling.

"Who killed her?!" She asked again and started to scream and cried even louder. I feel her, seeing my classmates slowly losing each other is the most painful thing I can feel. I am afraid to know who's next, they are giving us nightmares.

I faced Mariane's back just to saw her hugging her best friend and feeling an extreme pain. Arrianne's body is lying and her shirt is almost covered by the blood she vomited lately.

"Let her be." I said when Aya tried to comfort Mariane. I felt guilty for staring at Arrianne when she was trying to reach me out and seek for my help. Her words echoed to my mind, 'I won't blame you.'

We are all looking at Mariane hugging Arrianne dead body. A tear escaped from my eye, Arrianne had been closed to me for months. I'm sorry, I wasn't able to save you. They are really haunting us and I don't know wat's the reason.

Mariane stopped crying and when we found out, she had fallen asleep. Fred and Zarin carried her body and put it on the sofa so that she could sleep comfortably. Then, Zarin and Fred covered Arrianne dead body and decided to put it in the basement.

Others washed the fresh blood stains on the floor. I am dumbfounded while thinking who mudered the three of our classmates; who will be their next target and can't imagine how will their parents would react if they found their childrens dead.

Few moments later, Zarin and Fred came back chasing their breathes. I stood up after seeing them, I already know what happened to them. If only the kitchen was near to te living room I would get them water.

I sighed heavily after realizing that the shadow has been on their back since they got into the living room. Looks like they know who are they going to be their next victim.

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