Chapter 17: A Perilous Fall

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While the moon hung high in the night sky, casting an eerie glow over the forest. We were exhausted and on the brink of collapse, had found a temporary refuge in the labyrinth of branches and leaves. But their respite was short-lived.

"I think it's time." I said after looking at my watch.

"Are we coming down?" Lianne asked me and I nod.

"Come down first, Alviana." I commanded and she nodded as a response. Alviana's breath ragged, shifted her weight on the precarious branch she clung to. The fear in her eyes was palpable as she fought to maintain her balance. We knew that any noise could betray their hiding spot, and their hearts pounded in their chests as they willed Alviana to hold on.

"Hel-" My words were cut off-In a cruel twist of fate, Alviana's foot slipped from the branch, and a gasp escaped her lips as she tumbled through the air. Time seemed to slow as her body plummeted towards the ground, the impact of her fall threatening to shatter the silence of the night.

But before disaster could strike, I, with lightning reflexes, lunged forward and caught Alviana's outstretched hand. The strength in my grip was unwavering as I fought against the force of gravity, refusing to let go. Panic surged through us as we realized the danger they were in.

"Help!" I cried out and voice barely above a whisper, as I strained to hold on to Alviana since the tree is tall and can cause a lot of trouble if they fall on the ground. I looked at Lianne, her face pale with fear, rushed to their aid, her hands trembling as she tried to find a way to pull Alviana to safety.

"Hold on Alviana!" I tried to pull her up but she is so fucking heavy!

"I never thought you were this heavy where we are struggling to pull you fucking up!" I uttered angrily as I felt my hands were hurting and stretching.

As we are desperately struggling to save Alviana, the sound of our struggle echoed through the still night air. It was a beacon to our pursuers, a call to the Hannibal that they were close. We could feel their presence drawing near, the weight of impending doom settling upon them.

From afar, I saw the Hannibal, their dark and menacing figures emerging from the shadows, surrounded the area where the noises had originated. Their eyes gleamed with malice, their weapons glinting ominously in the moonlight. We knew that our survival now hinged on our ability to remain hidden, to outsmart their relentless hunters.

My heart raced as I locked eyes with Lianne, a silent understanding passing between us. We had to act quickly, to find a way to escape the clutches of the Hannibal. With a determined nod, I mouthed the words, "We need a distraction."

Lianne's eyes widened, her mind racing. She scanned their surroundings, desperately searching for anything that could divert the attention of their pursuers and then she saw it-a cluster of dry leaves, a potential weapon in their fight for survival.

With a swift motion, Lianne grabbed a handful of leaves and tossed them into the air, creating a flurry of sound and movement. The Hannibal, drawn to the distraction like moths to a flame, turned their attention away from the girls, their predatory instincts leading them astray.

When Lianne successfully distracted Hannibal, I put all my strengths to pull Alviana up. Lianne helped me to make Alviana safe under the leaves of the trees.

"Oh thank God!" I weakly said after we succeeded.

"Be careful next time!" Lianne said while looking at Alviana.

"Ouch!" Alviana screamed in pain causing Hannibal to look at the direction where the distraction was created. She's bleeding! Lianne didn't hesitate to ruin her pants and covered the wound of Alviana.

"Where did you get that wound?" I asked Alviana but she shrugged. I looked down and found a sharp stem with blood on it, it must be the reason why.

My heart beats fast after I remember the sudden distraction Alviana had created. Oh shit!

I saw Alviana was crying in pain causing me to worry about her. She might be suffering from pain. Lianne took a deep breath while looking at her. We need to find a shelter but we are in big trouble!

How can we find out if Alviana is injured? How can we carry her? How can we escape from this hell? I shook my head for thinking too much. I have to stay positive. Negative thoughts can't help us escape and find a shelter!

"Are you okay?" I questioned Alviana and she slowly shook her head as a response to my question. I almost cried seeing her suffering from the pain she got when she fell.

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