Chapter 29: Unlikely Noises

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I can smell dead bodies around the forest and bruh, it stinks. I badly wanted to vomit because of the mixture of smells in this part of the forest.

"Eww, what is that smell?" Lianne said in disgust and covered her nose. I can't explain what does it smells like but it's so disgusting. I want to hold my freaking breath so that I couldn't smell it.

"We have to hurry, it's getting worst!" Zarin uttered before shrugging his shoulder. Uh, I hate this smell.

I can smell the dead bodies of animals and humans, it seems that they have been here for a long time. The skeleton of human beings is surrounding this area of the forest.

When I decided to look around, I found a musty smell and muddy water all around. As we are heading towards, we inhaled fetid smells. The tall, brown trees looked like they had human skins carved into them and almost all had blood stains. You will also notice that other trees seem to have thorns surrounding them.

My eyes caught a lady in black staring at us from afar. She has long hair and pale white skin where I almost consider her a vampire. I stopped walking and stared at her, trying to examine her existence.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Almia asked after noticing my movements.

"Why does it look like Giselle?" Mia questioned as she noticed.

In a blink of an eye, she disapeared out of nowhere. Lianne grabbed my arm and told me that we need to move forward.

"This forest name was Reighnel Haunted Forest. Maybe the owner of this forest already deceased." Zarin said as he continues to walk. Oh, that topic was not interesting at all.

"How can you say so?" Mia asked him a followed up question. He looked back and stopped walking before answering Mia's question.

"If he's alive, would he let people enter this stupid haunted forest?" He answered and let out a deep sigh.

"Bruh! Can't they name a forest without an owner?" I sarcastically answered him and grinned. The group laugh as they understood what I did.

"Nailed it!" Lianne said after realizing and continued to laugh.

Zarin irritatedly looked at me and rolled his eyes. He turned his back at us and decided to move forward. As we followed his lead, I heard something unlikely that made me uncomfortable.

They walked fast like they are targeting something. Their footsteps started to echo in the wild where the group decided to stop from proceeding. I pointed my gun as I turned my back. My eyes narrowed and I tried to increase my hearing. I may look pyschotic but I don't care. From a distance, I saw a group of men, they seemed to be wearing white coats, shirts and black pants since it's almost not visible. I think they are lost like us or something like that.

"Shall we keep moving?" I asked as I point my gun down at the ground

"Oh sorry. My gash!" I said and winced after I stepped on the skeleton that lies on the ground.

I am not sure if we are just playing around because I noticed that we heading toward the direction we are before. It's also impossible that this forest looks the same in it's every angles and sides.

"Why does it looks like we have been here?" Zarin said and scratches his head. We're thinking the same and I am not the only one who noticed it.

"I think we were so loud?" Mariane said and rolled her eyes.

I didn't think about something and decided tolead the way but it is still the ame. Are they playing tricks with us? It's not funny anymore. I can feel my head getting warmer. Just 10% more and I am going to scream my fcking lungs off. We're almost doing this for 15 or more times and it's really getting into my nerves.

"Hey, relax." Lianne tapped my shoulder.

"How can I fcking relax if they wanted to play tricks while we seriously wanted to go home? Damn it!" I irritatedly said while clenching my hands. I can feel the blood released from my palm, it's bleeding.

"Stop clenching your hands. It's freaking bleeding, Y/n!" Alviana uttered and slapped my arms. She grabbed it harshly that made me feel the pain. That's it, Y/n. Now, face your consequences! They took out their handkerchief and packed my hands.

"Do you have water?" Almia asked and looked at Mia.

"Shall we stay here?" Zarin questioned in hopeless. I shrugged my shoulder while looking at the ground. The water that surrounds me might be poisonous.

"I don't know." Lianne answered. I don't even have energy to proceed, my body badly wanted to rest. I missed my bed.

I looked at the skies-It's pale sky blue and I can't see anything more than that. I remembered what my Mom said to me.

'In every way, you can see no obstacles. Just continue walking and never give up because that's how life works.'

Now, I understand what she means and she's definitely right. My eyes were filled with hope and calmness. If I just let my anger and emotion control me, I wouldn't succeed. I let out a deep sigh before looking at them, they were sitting on the wet ground.

I said to myself before, Whatever it takes, I'll continue. My eyes were filled with confidence that time. I am letting this situation eat my whole existence.

"How was your rest, guys?" I asked while looking at them.

"Hm, it's almost good." Almia said and gave me a thumbs up.

It's already 1:25 in the afternoon and we are still here. I wanted to take a nap but I couldn't because we were in the wild. I would prefer climbing the highest gate than escaping this forest for at least I have rope and direct death.

"Y/N LOOK OUT!" The only thing I heard before I felt deaf and dizzy. It seemed like someone hit something very hard on the back of my head.

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