Chapter 39: Iviana

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"People sometimes see Iviana being chased by something. They also see Sheryll's eyes darkening and smoky as she looks at it as if she has an evil plan. August, 23rd of the month when they saw Sheryll sitting while saying the strange elements but that was interrupted when Iviana came out of their home." He said and smiled evilly.

"Sheryll's eyes were smoky and black while her skin was white as if it had no blood. She stood up and slowly went to Iviana but unfortunately Iviana fell from a high place. Below it you can see her impaled on a very crooked tree stem." He spoke to us, his story is familiar. My dream is the same as he said.

I don't know but I felt nervous and afraid of what he was saying. It was as if my world stopped when I learned a most important detail that I wanted to hear since we went to that abandoned house.

"Iviana survived after what happened. Sisters started to argue about something and that's when Sheryll's plan with her sister started getting dark. A month after the incident, I was walking to their house because I needed to go and say something important. But I was stopped by what my eyes saw. Sheryll and Iviana are outside their rooms. There is a chain around Iviana's neck and it seems to be on fire. Iviana was crying because she could feel her skin burning but she couldn't do anything but follow her older sister, Sheryll. Iviana didn't fall on her own, Sheryll pushed her when the two reached the end of their terrace." Telling this story to us caused my attention to be aroused.

"I left that place in a hurry and never showed up to Sheryll. I knew she was hiding a secret. She worshiped the devil, she sacrificed her own life. I don't know the reason, since he found a book from the underground of their house, that's when he found out the most hidden secret of their family. But the generation of the Rosario family does not end there, its bloodline has been divided but the secret is still in their blood. I know in your generation it still exists." He said this and for reasons unknown to me, I suddenly felt a headache and a hardness in my heart.

Who is he? Whose last? My mind seems to be filled with questions because of what he said. I was very surprised when the gun I was holding went off but I did not do it. I heard the fall of the man's body and the demonic laughter of a woman.

"Why did you shoot the man? We need to know something more from him!" I heard Zarin shout at me which made me back away.

"I didn't do it! Before you yell at me, find out exactly what happened because you're not the one in my point of view!" I angrily shouted back at him. What I hate the most is people yelling at me even though I'm not guilty.

"How come you weren't the one who did it? We heard firsthand that your gun went off and then you say it wasn't you? What are we? Stupid?" It spoke to me insistently and angrily. I can feel his eyes looking at me on fire.

"Fuck it! It wasn't me! I felt and was surprised when the gun suddenly went off!" I said. I clenched my fist because of the intensity of anger I feel now. I want to trample someone.

"Shut up to both of you! Shit! We have to move on!" The irritation in Mariane's voice was calm but obvious.

"There's no point in arguing about that. I know there's a lot of details we need to get, but we're not police! We're not detectives and investigators either! Come on!" Lianne said before taking a deep breath.

I didn't answer and walked ahead without looking at them. I hate you, Zarin! My heart fcking hates your existence! I heard Lianne scream but I ignored it. I was shocked when someone pulled me, causing me to fall and I was on top of him.

"Damn it, woman! I told you to turn the other way because it's dangerous!" It was Zarin's voice.

"Are you okay?" He asked me worriedly, causing me to slap his arm.

"After making me angry, you're going to ask me now if I'm okay? Are you crazy?" I asked annoyed and got up.

"Be thankful because I saved you from that danger!" He said and shook the pants he was wearing.

"Thanks fcking then!" I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes. He's getting on my nerves. I just get more annoyed when he's around.

"Are you irritated by me?" He asked me causing me to face him.

"He doesn't like yelling at her." Lianne said. I was tormented again when he laughed at what she said. Fck this man!

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