Chapter 2: Trip to the Forest

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I got out of the bus and felt the fresh air touch my skin. Alviana and Lianne went out and stood next to me, the air keeps on blowing my hair that almost irritates me. They are both wearing black backpacks the same as me. Professor John went out and led the way.

We were disappointed after seeing the house. It looks like it has been abandoned for over 100 years and it is very moldy. I can't imagine myself living here for days. It is very dirty and dusty, the door of the house can collapse anytime. When the Professor opened the door, I put my hands on my ear when I heard the unbearable sound coming from it.

"Ugh, this hurts my ears!" Alviana said before rolling her eyes. We entered and the style is so modern, the look inside is different from the outside. I am amazed at the style but the thing that creeps me out when I see the old photo on the wall above the fireplace.

We went upstairs and saw there were so many vacant rooms. We went farther and it was getting darker, I opened my phone flashlight to see the way clearly. Professor John stopped walking and faced us with a smile on his face.

"These are the comfort rooms." He explained to us. My eyebrows met thinking that it is too far away from the rooms and there are no lights in this area.

"You can choose your room students." He added. I opened the last door since no one ever went to it to open the door, Lianne and Alviana chose the room near to me.

"Take a rest, enjoy your stay." Professor John said and walked away from us. I entered the room, the wall was painted pale red and the design of the room is still modern. The dressing table, bed, and sofas are a combination of woods and metals. I arranged my clothes in the cabinet and decided to take a nap.

I was awakened by a knock on my door. I rubbed my eyes after hearing Professor John calling me to get outside for dinner. I checked my watch and it was already 8 in the evening. I went outside and saw Lianne and Alvianna waiting for me. The three of us went downstairs and saw them gathering. He led the way to the dining room and everyone was surprised how big it was.

The design of the living room gave me goosebumps, there are a lot of old photos on the wall. I feel like those eyes from those photos are going to haunt me. I sat down on the chair, Kyla and Lianna were next to me. The only light source was the candles in the middle of the dining table. I started to eat and the longer I am sitting here, my feelings are getting weird. After a couple of minutes, everyone stood up from their chairs and washed their dishes.

The Professor led the way to somewhere in the house and we are holding a lamp so that we could see our way better. I realized that we are in the underground of the house, that's why it's very dark and cold. While he was discussing something, I heard a deep voice whisper to my ear, "You are not allowed here." I instantly look who's talking to me but I realized that I am the only one left behind.

My hands started to tremble as the fear inside my body increased. I saw the lights from afar start to fade away. I started to hear footsteps coming in my direction where I saw there was nothing because it was so dark. As time passed by, the footsteps increased going towards me so I started running and shouting.

"PROFESSOR, WHERE ARE YOU?!" I began to shout and repeat it again and again. Suddenly, a cold hand grip my arm which stops me from running. Behind my back, I heard a cold voice saying, "Why are you still here while everyone is there?"

"What happened to you?" Professor John asked tersely. I looked at his face and he looked back at me angrily. I can't hide my nervousness, my hand is still shaking. I saw Lianne and Alviana running towards our direction.

"Y/n, are you okay?" They asked me and I can see the worries in their eyes.

"I am okay." I said and smiled. I don't want them to worry about me because of these things. The other students are heading toward us and some of them are talking about something they had seen previously. We got out and the warm air touched my face.

"You can go to your beds now. Good night." Professor John said. All of us; students went upstairs and got inside our rooms. I saw my phone on my bed and realized that I left it here. I went to my bed and laid my body and while opening my phone. There was no signal here, what do I expect? It's a kind of forest here, I am frustrated.

It's a bit dark and warm inside the room, if I had known this is the place we are going to stay in, I would have brought my electric fan here! It's getting warmer and warmer and I feel like I am suffocating. I decided to open my window and went directly to the terrace. Cold and fresh air wrapped my body. I feel like freezing but it's better than suffocating. The night is so peaceful and you can't even hear birds chirping, only the sound of cold and fresh air.

First night of staying here I already experienced horror. I want to wake up early and explore this house. I want to waste my time exploring the house rather than waiting for the internet's signal. I doubt if I am going to close the window or leave it open but in the end I decided to close it for my safety. I still manage to close my eyes after experiencing those horrors lately.

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