He hummed again.

He quickly held her hands in place when she was about to lift them up. He placed them back on his head and leaned his head back. She chuckled and resumed combing his hair.

She suddenly squeaked making him open his eyes." I have an idea. Just wait here, I'll be back." Before he could utter a word she was storming out of the room.

"What happened to her?" He whispered, perplexed. He looked up to see her jog back to him with a hair tie in her hand.
"What are you doing?" He asked, suspicious as she began collecting his long strands of hair into a pony.

"Can't you shut up for a moment?" She spat and giggled, extremely excited to see the end result. His shoulders went limp as he just let her have her way.

She removed a few strands from behind and a few flicks in the front. She roamed in circles around the chair carefully inspecting the hairdo before finally putting the hair tie. She adjusted it not to strain his head and moved back to admire her work.

His hair had been growing long since forever and he didn't have the time to cut it. Now seeing him with that hairstyle she was happy that he didn't cut his hair off. He looked so ethereal and elegant. He would most definitely look like a royal prince if he had his suit on. A few flicks falling onto his exposed forehead enhanced the look.

She squeaked loudly.
"Oh my god! You look so good. Wait let me bring my phone."

Now that she had expressed her liking towards that hairstyle he made sure to do it Every Single Day. And he did not do it himself. No. Not at all. He would randomly come out of nowhere and sit infront of her asking her to make his hair. He had started carrying hair ties in his coat pockets too.

Everytime he felt stressed he layed his head in her lap silently asking her to massage his head.

He was acting like a cute sulky baby and she was loving every bit of it. She might not show it but she felt over the moon because of his gestures. She felt as if he had started to confide with her, that maybe he doesn't treat her like an outsider, that he had given her the pathway to his heart. She was more than ready to overcome all the obstacles and barriers that came along that path to reach the most precious thing to her.
His heart. Him.

"What are you doing?" Jaison asked as he stepped into their shared bedroom, glancing at all the shoping bags scattered on the bed.

"You came so early? Wait I'll be out in a minute." His wife replied from the changing room.

"You went shopping? You could have told me, I would have accompanied you." He said as he picked up a bag, taking a shirt out.

"I didn't go alone. Mom came by and forced me to come along." She yelled from across the room.

He suddenly smiled at the mention of Mom. The feeling of serenity and satisfaction he got when she called his mother 'Mom'. He didn't know that he needed to hear that so badly.

"What is this-" he turned around when he heard the click of the door. It was like deja vu. The same woman stepped out of the door making him hold his breath at the amount of beauty she radiated.

He had no idea what she was wearing but whatever it was, it enhanced her features, it made her look like a goddess.

She stepped further into the room and raised her eyebrows nervously, waiting for a reaction.

For the first time in her life she had worn a traditional Indian attire. It took her hours to follow the guide video and finally wear a Saree.

She waited for him to say something but all she got was silence

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She waited for him to say something but all she got was silence. She anxiously bit her lower lip.
"I knew this was a bad i-"

"Beautiful." Those words involuntarily escaped his lips as he stared at her. He couldn't take his eyes off of her.

"Really?" She questioned, still not convinced.

"Woman, just look at yourself from my eyes. You're making me lose my mind right now." He said literally baffled at the fact that how could she think that she looked bad.

She stared at him still not believing his words. His words did make her feel butterflies but maybe he was just saying all that to make her feel better.

She stepped infront of the mirror wanting to see the end result of her struggle for herself.

The moment she turned to the mirror, he took a sharp breath in.
The blouse is freaking back less. Great!

His feet moved on their own as if they had their own mind. He walked towards her as she glanced at him through the mirror.
"Do I really look good?" She asked timidly, displaying her doe eyes.

His eyes travelled from her head to her toe as he savored the breathtaking sight.
"A Queen. You look like a Queen. My Queen." He whispered in a hoarse voice and he stepped forward, his chest now touched her back.
"You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen and I'm honoured to worship you." He spoke into her ear, looking directly into her eyes through the mirror. She gulped.

He nuzzled his nose into her hair as it trailed its way down her neck onto her shoulder. She bit her lip hard trying not to moan at the sensation.

He suddenly nibbled on her neck making her gasp. Her back arched. She tried to move away from him but was restricted by his hands on her bare waist. His feather touch on her skin was ticklish. She gripped his hand inorder to balance her shaky figure. Her legs were wobbling at this point. He interlaced his fingers with her's as he gripped her waist more.

He gave open-mouthed kisses on her neck. She whimpered showing how incapable she was to keep up with his bold moves.

Even though it felt surreal but she wanted this moment to last forever. She was deeply in love with him and somewhere deep inside she knew he couldn't love her back but these past few days made her want to change her mind. His actions gave her hope as she clung onto it for dear life.

Just like this new hope bloomed in her heart maybe somewhere along the line love may bloom in his.


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