🌺36• Hard as Ice.

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"What do we do crystal, how about we tell him?" Mom asks worriedly as I suck in a sharp breath.

"Mom, leave all this to me okay, you don't need to be worried about this, I can take of my self," I say as she nods.

"Crystal, you're pregnant for heaven's sake, it's a good news and it has to reach him," mom says getting all excited and I don't know why

"Mom. Micah is dating a different girl, he doesn't deserve to hear such news at his point, what would it sound like?"

"Crystal its a good thing, I'm sure he'll be the happiest man to hear that you're carrying his child,"

"Its all alright mom, leave this to me, I'll take care of myself." I conclude as I walk upstairs to my room and my phone buzzes

Then I receive a phone call from Kelly,


"Ma'am, the organizing team has set up the business dinner to tomorrow, and many companies will be invited to attract investors." She explains as I sigh

"Kelly I'm sorry I think I can't make up to tomorrow's event, I'm really not in the mood."

"But why Ms martin, the event is hosted by you so your presence is most important."

"Can't we postpone it or even cancel it till when I'm ready?"

"No Ms Martin, companies from far away have been invited, we'll loose so many fans if we don't do this," Kelly says as I nod

"Okay, alright..." I reply tiredly as I drop the phone and falling on my bed

Fuck....I have to be at the event tomorrow.


What a life I never chose.

The next day will be a business dinner, and me who loved getting all famous and known isn't so much interested in this anymore....

All I think about is what is in my tummy.

Like....I'm gonna be a mother?

Okay yeah, cool, it's a good thing, but what about my image?

Am I gonna raise this kid all alone?

It's funny and it's not.

I picked out a simple mini gown with diamond stones arranged in the burst, as usual, my heels and did a little makeup on the face.

No one deserves to know how messed up I am this period of time.

Like....the feeling of having something living in you, the feeling that in nine months time you gonna be a mother holding your baby in your arms, its a big thing, I mean, I'm excited, but wouldn't it be better if I had a partner who's gonna be with me in every step of this pregnancy?

Bad thing the real maker of this baby is an ass who left me all alone and probably having an affair with another girl.

I have no fucking right to complain or criticize his decision when I bluntly turned him down a hundred billion times...

Then the real me told the bitchy me I loved him.

I did.

Now I'm in regrets, Micah has probably gotten over me and has moved on. I'm kinda happy for him, I was actually a piece of headache to him.

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