🌺27• Back together.

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The meeting ends and I heave a deep sigh working out of the conference room, cracking my neck to ease my muscles I see Zach leaning by the elevator with a cocky smile

I smile back as I sight him and walk towards him

And as usual, he hugs me tight

"Hey." I say patting his back

"Thanks for being a twin." Zach squeals like a child as I shot him a confused look

"What do you mean?" I ask arching an eyebrow as the elevator dinges open and we step in.

"I'm dating Christy, we're a couple." He says in fantasy as I pause turning to him with a smirk at the corner of my lips

"What....do you mean" I ask again furrowing my eyebrows as he giggles

  "I and Christy are dating, we are a thing." Zach replies shrugging as I scoff

The hell...



"Oh congratulations then," I let out a smile, then look away

"Are you okay with it?" He asks acting serious and anxious

"Sure, I have nothing to do With it, " I say as he sighs leaning back

"crystal... I really am unhappy about what's going on between you and Christy.." He begins as I scoff and look away.

"I honestly know Christy was a real badass back then and was really at fault but she really is in pain each time she remembers how you resent on her, and regrets every single thing she's done to you." Zach  says worriedly as I bite the Inside of my cheek.

Recalling how I wanted her badly, how I cried just because I wanted her with me, how really wanted to take care of her.

And how i was in pain every single minute I recall everything.

And how she cut my hair making it shorter!

"Can you just forgive her this once?" Zach asks softly and politely as the elevator stops and I walk out to my office ignoring him

The bad memories were driving me crazy

"Are you gonna ignore everything I say and walk away?" Zach says as I stop and shot him a cold look

"Zach for fucks sake, it's hard to get over the torturing memories, they've made my life a mess and hated me all their lives?" I mutter furiously as he sighs

"Do you think it'll be so easy to let go?" I add trying no to get angry.

I sigh internally.

"Crystal you can just calm down and let's get this resolved."

"I have nothing to resolve, I don't want them around me." I state bitterly looking away.

"Jesus crystal, they love you, they were only deceived by Francis and Ryan and now the asses are no where? Please....just.." He says as I sigh

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