🌺17• Bride

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Micah Gold>>

My head begins to hurt after everything, I don't wanna loose grip but I wanna kill everyone until I see the world go fucking dry

My life's gonna fucking suck if I don't brace my self

I don't wanna believe Francis' not my real father, like fuck shit, where did Crystal get those from

Where the hell?

Everything looks damn real and believable.

How on earth have I been in the dark for years without knowing my essence in this world?

I guess it's time to brace up.

I pick up my car keys and drive to father's house in no time, I park my car where he parks his and hop down

My fucking blood is boiling as but I don't wanna go nuts

I walk into his room and he was sitted on the couch glancing through a magazine.

The recent clip floods to my mind and i recall when he stabs sabestian twice.

And my hands became shaky again. I can't control my body

Fucking killer.

"Why do you take long to come over? How busy are you, son"

The word 'son' freaks me out the more.

"I am" my voice breaks

"Are you okay?you don't look alright?" Father asks as I clench my jaw

"Who the hell are you, and who's sabestian." I utter  as he pauses and his eyes darkens

"I'm your father and sab is my brother,who was murdered by Martin." Father replies as I furrow my eyebrows

Is he tryna play dumb? I know it all

"Why did you kill my father?" I utter bitterly as he freezes and his jaw drops

"What ...do you mean-" he stammers as I sigh

Violence might be the best way.

I bring out my gun and cock it, then point it to him.

"Why. Did. You. Kill. My father." I ask again blurtly as he bit his lower lip

"What the hell are you saying Micah?" He stands up facing me as I point the gun more to his face

If he still plays dumb, I'll end his life immediately.

I cock the gun again when my phone buzz, I'm gonna receive this urgent call.

"Stuart," I say, my eyes still on Francis

"I have information about sabestian and his son, it's a sad story but I'm sorry you happen to be his-" Stuart begins but I sigh cutting him shut

"Any other thing,?" I ask

"Ryan's getting married to Crystal by noon, what do you do about it?" He says as my heart sink.

"Crystal was just at home when I left? How the fuck is she with Ryan?" I ask furiously my hands shaking so abnormally.

This one thing I can never let slide, it makes me boil within when someone's tryna take what i own.

I'll fucking kill Ryan.

"I dunno either, but she's in his hands and he's gonna marry her by noon." Stuart adds as I squint my eye brows


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