🌺22• Pathetic

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Covering my eyes from the sun light coming through with my palm, I turn around to see someone seated with crossed arms observing me.

Hell, my vision's blurry.

And who the hell is this.

Wiping my eyes away and stretching it to see, I realize Micah's seated on a chair gazing at me.

Don't tell me he's been doing this for the whole night.

"Hey..." I mumble as i sit upright and he smiles gesturing forward.

He places his index and thumb finger on my forehead as I flinch.

"You aren't running temperature, how you Feeling?" He asks nicely as I nod

"Better." I say.

Turning to see two guns on the table made my heart to drop and the memories of yesterday floods into my head.

The sudden vision makes my head ache.

Which is probably gonna turn to a migraine.

"Are you okay?" Micah asks as I swallow the lump in my throat, grabbing a bottle water from the table, I gulp it all.

Recalling how he was so desperate to save me, how he was so worried about me, and how he wanted me yesterday.

"Thanks for....yesterday.... You really saved my life." I say sincerely to him for the first time as he stares at me crossing his arm

I honestly don't know how my life would've been without him.

"I'm sincerely grateful." I mutter fisting the duvet, he moves closer to me making my eyes meet his grey perfect ones.

"Just stay safe, and that's all I want." He States as I arch an eyebrow.

"I prepared breakfast, you should come downstairs." Micah says as I nod.

Great. He's extra nice, he brought me to my house, treated me, and now he prepared breakfast.

I walk down from my bed after he walks out of my room, I look at my self through the mirror and smile.

"At least someone cares sincerely." I say to myself before walking downstairs to see how breakfast is arranged on the dining table.

"Oh my God....you didn't have to do all this." I mumble as I settle on the chair.

"Enjoy." Micah says as he walks to the living room and sits on the couch.

I watch him quietly as he uses his phone and had more time to analyze how cool he is.

A cool mafia.

I finish up the meal, and its quite surprising, was I too hungry or is he a good Cook?

Don't ask me,

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